[Solved, please close] Plz help me find a good open world game!

This might be something completely different, but what about Kerbal Space Program?

Or for something completely different again, Saints row 2 -> 4?
Or perhaps Mafia 2, 3

I've played kerbal and saints row, I'll check mafia, thanks

I assume you've also played the original mass effect series?

Also keep a look out for Red Dead Redemption 2 if it comes out on PC :wink:

I haven't played those, I don't know why but they never seemed interesting to me :frowning:
omg I do am waiting for RDR for pc!

Mafia 2 was decent. I'm not so sure about Mafia 3. I remember being interested in it but then heard they got rid of things like driving difficulty (M2 had a normal and sim mode). Sim mode was really good as it was 1940s cars on snow :smiley:

If you're down for it can also look at ArmA 3.
It's got a steep learning curve and is a hardcore milsim in comparison to everything else out there


Thank for the suggestion.

I never got this so can't sayt if it is any good but its apparently a mix of GTA and Assasins Creed with Nazis. What else would ya want!

Metal Gear Solid V was an enjoyable game. I pretty much ignored all the online aspects and enjoyed going around stealing people.

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Even though they butchered the ending, I enjoyed a lot of hours of it, I also ignored the online aspects haha btw fuck konami


I love open world games too!

This recommendation is biased because it is only my favorite game of all time, both fun wise and hours played. I spent $370 on a new graphics card just for this game so one could argue the game cost me over $430, and it was worth every penny. This game has the largest open world map (420 sq. miles) in gaming at this time.

Watch SuperRebel on YouTube while you wait for a frequent sale.

This is how I took a year to finish JC3. Maybe the 5th mission was too hard for me. It was one of those get to the place in 5 minutes while an entire army is after you missions. So I decided to play another way. I spent the year wandering the open world and attacking ALL the bases. Once I cleaned out most of the bases, then I went back to finish the missions and it was way easier.

I also had my greatest moment in gaming history.

Just Cause 3 is "Explosion Simulator 2016". Stealth is not required, but I wanted to do a stealth mission. I snuck into a base and used my structural engineer degree to figure out the best place to put a C4 charge on the leg of a spherical fuel tank. I snuck out and hit the button. To my surprise, the tank didn't explode, it rolled into the middle of the base, smashed into an electrical generator and then it exploded. Burning gas went everywhere and set off more explosions. I conquered an entire base without firing a shot and only used 1 explosive charge. EPIC!

My point is with JC3, being Rambo with guns blazing is boring. It's much more fun to figure out diabolical ways to kill the minions. I love making chain reactions that I call 'The Slow Burn'. Also, I may have a problem where I can't help blowing up every railroad bridge I see, just as a train is crossing it.

I was doing multiplayer and I teamed up with a guy to be his 'wingman'. I was doing pretty good shooting down other planes until I accidentally shot my own pilot. Ooopsie. I also invented Multiplayer Downhill Mountain Tank Racing. Start on top of the highest mountain in a tank and the first one to reach the ocean wins, No Rules.

Fair Warning:
You need a kick ass PC to run Just Cause 3. SLI / Crossfire is not supported. The physics will pound your CPU and the graphics will tax your GPU. My i5 + GTX 970 does nicely.


that screenshot looks cool, I played jc2 and liked it a lot.
earlier today I read some reviews of the third one and everyone says it's an awful port, with lots of problems and crashes is it true?

I have had not 1 problem or crash after 1-1/2 years. (edit: of course it crashed for the first time after I wrote that) The negative press is mostly because there is no way a console can have enough horsepower to play Just Cause 3. That's why it didn't sell. Also it uses Nvidia PhysX and WaveX and Nvidia Gameworks. It's not like the game is poorly optimized (it might be for AMD, IDK). It's because the amount of physics going on is amazing. You need a strong CPU. The graphics are perfect and the map is huge. My i5-4690K @ 4.5GHz + GTX 660 2x SLI ran at 20 fps on low graphics. After I got the 970, JC3 runs at 60 fps on high.

JC3 is so much fun! In this screenshot I was winning a mountain tank race when my weakness for destroying bridges kicked in. I shot the bridge out and the chunks landed on my ride, killing me. D'oh!

I also bought the 'Barvarium Sea Heist' DLC because I wanted the Loochadore boat. The boat has turbo, hop, dual turret cannons and homing missiles. I like just cruising around blowing up jet ski's and stuff. The sea is lovely. The BSH DLC also includes a completely OP Lightning gun. It fires a targeting laser and a second later an orbiting satellite fires a Mega Lightning beam at your target. It only works outside though. I try not to use it unless I'm getting my ass kicked. The thing about JC3 is even when a mission gets hard, it's pretty easy to run away. I have tried other DLC in multiplayer and the only one I liked is the jetpack from the 'Air Fortress' DLC.

Yeah... You could say I like JC3 a lot. I even bought the Rico swag with magnetic feet.

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I agree on MGS V. I have about 250 hours in the game, and while it does get somewhat repetitive at times I found it extremely engaging for the first 100 hours or so. I'm completely done with the main story at this point, although there are probably a good 50 side quests and countless achievements I have yet to complete. Solid 8/10 and only $20 on steam right now :wink:

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Damn I only have 163 hours in the game and I'm Snake.

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Why haven't you played this game yet?

This game is sooo good and I think it's only $20

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Good to know it isn't a bad port, I hope it runs ok with my i5-6600k, the gpu won't be a problem

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Thank you for your suggestion Mr. Pliskin

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Chinese retailer, has similar issues as G2A at times. I bought there twice (1x FFXIV Gametime Card, and Overwatch cause it was sold out locally), it went well, but I wouldn't buy again after learning of their "issues".

That being said it's everyone's own decision if they buy or not.

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Damn, I was just eavesdropping on this thread and now I have to go buy JC3:)