So, logged in to steam, and the library page is all updateed and stuff.
Like a dag nam movies site or something.
I’m not keen, but it is change, and change shakes off cobwebs, so going to give it the old college try!
First things that put me off:
changed default view: I had it set to only show installed games. Easy enough to fix/ change back to useful.
Flat list of all games, no indication of what is available and not, kinda like the point above, but a long list of all the steam games I have (including a load I’ll never play) kinda distracts? Again, easy enough to fix.
Some games don’t have a cover/art
Some games are repeated if they have different components/expansions.
Some games are repeated, even without expansions/dlc/sequals
First things I like:
The movie style interface does look good, for the games with art.
If I used big picture, or was disabled/used a controller, this might even be a good change.
Well, I guess I am not keen, but that is just me, and my first impressions.
The beta allows for opt out, but I will try it, and see how it goes.
Has anyone else been affested by this issue?
Anyone have any thoughts?
This thread can become a suport group for people adversly affected by this mostrosity…
Okay under Interface in the settings you can choose Automatic, Small, Medium or Large icons.
Small is not much smaller. Though in the top left, above the game list (which is nice), is a Home button and next to that is a square of 4 squares, this makes the icon view you categories which are much smaller and nicer looking.
If I could put the big column in the centre that is currently friends activity and make it the smaller column on the right that would be nice. Further it would be very nice to be able to rearrange the boxes in the right hand column, like to move Friends who play down and mt screenshots up.
OKAY! I have gotten somewhere.
In the interface settings there is an option for Low Performance Mode, this greatly increases the speed of the interface transitions and to a degree the look too, though I am undecided on this I kind of liked the coloured categories in the first screenshot.
This is now pushed out to everybody. For big collections, make sure you have 16GB of RAM cause it’s all using Chromium. (And Chromium on something of this scale is a RAM hog, and it has to background download EVERYTHING for thumbnails.)
Worse yet, it AUTO enables GPU acceleration (which is still broken on Linux) once it upgrades, so be sure to turn it off.
There is no small mode anymore, and going into offline mode just pulls up the cached Chromium pages so you will NOT save RAM usage by going into offline mode.
Yeah I am still using it since the beta but not really liking it. The performance is just bad is the main problem but it is also harder to find things now and I am less likely to look at the related things like news and discussion pages.
My main annoyance is that it does not remember where I was and always defaults back to the main overview when I click back to library or when starting steam.