What is your favorite? I wish I could say I liked one over the other but that would be a lie!
The original Star Wars trilogy.
I liked Atlantis more but both of them had their moments.
SG1 was gold. Atlantis had some great moments and was generally very good but didn't quite top SG1 for me. The unfolding universe was so satisfying over the seasons.
SGU was almost complete dirt, very disappointing. It could have been brilliant.
SG1, but not because Atlantis was bad.
Same as this guy... btw SGU had a few good actors and a few good moments but man everything else was a mess.
Both were good, I really Like the "movies" Ark of the Truth and Continuum. I think SGU was just getting good then they killed it, was a bit to soap opera ish but had its moments.
Atlantis though they both are the best sci-fi shows ever.
The relationship between McKay and SHeppard, naming Todd etc. Atlantis has a slight edge in "this is just fun to watch" category.
When Sheppard gives his opinion on Canadian football (or the Canadian CIA) it is comedy gold.
One thing I really like about both show is how they help out the poor, the unemployed and the truly needy.
The cast of Farscape and Firely
Also hard to pick. I think I like SG1 a bit more, but only because it came first. And it has space-MacGyver. But it's purely my subjective opinion. SGA is a great follow up worthy of the first series.
SGU was a mess, and represents what I call the "kidification" of shows/games these days as they try and update them with younger actors to suit newer generations of viewers. The gritty brilliance of Robert Carlyle was not enough to counteract all the teen drama rubbish, ex machina mechanics. Reminds me of sci-fi stories written by people who are not sci-fi writers. They turn into normal stories vaguely set in a sci-fi setting. Also, they padded the hell out of it expecting it to last 10 series, only to have a watered down first series that went nowhere.
On a side note, The Travelers turned laughable in the end, sort of like a Monty Python murder mystery.
I grew up watching Stargate, it's really the only sci-fi franchise I've ever gotten into at all. It scratches an itch that the utopian Star Trek and the head-in-the-clouds Star Wars series could never get to for me.
SG-1 is my idea of Space-Macgyver and his Merry Men, and it's a lot of fun. In both series the characters are varied, but also realistic and likeable in their own ways. The characters seem very believable to me, they don't really act so much with the animated, grandiose air of drama that made Kirk and Picard famous (this goes for Atlantis, too). I think of that as Stargate's greatest strength (and where SG:U kind of lost the plot). Because of the way the characters behave, it makes for good and believable drama, but also allows for the hilarity of when the characters make references to various sci-fi series that precede it, even going so far as to poke fun at itself. It was also good that they weren't afraid to cycle the main cast every once in a while - seasons 6, 8, 9 and 10 have some of my favorite moments in the series.
Watching Atlantis came later for me, but I thoroughly enjoy it all the same. Atlantis is much more light-hearted imo, and the military genre of that particular series is much more secondary. The relationship between the different characters is great, the exposition on the backgrounds of the Ancients is excellent and it shares the same balance of drama and humor that SG-1 has. I didn't like Teyla or Ronon nearly as much as I liked Teal'c, but they have their appeals, even if they are more generic.
SG:U... SG:U tried to be too Game-of-Thrones with itself. It has a brutality that I can appreciate, and Robert Carlyle is an acting genius, but Stargate built itself on being an excellent balance of realism, conflict and off-cuff humour, not sappy, weak, indecisive characters. Not to mention the insanely large production cost for each episode of the series. It was a money pit for MGM.
End of the day, I can't really pick between SG-1 and Atlantis since from my pov, they serve slightly different purposes whilst being made in line with the same canon. They're both great.
I preferred Atlantis and the one after it whose name escapes me. Just wish they had of finished them off properly or more so a bit better. It seemed rushed
Stargate Universe came after Atlantis.
That's the one. I really enjoyed that.
For me SG1 became established as the Star Trek TNG franchise wound down. Atlantis was never really lived up to the original SG1 IMO, but was entertaining enough.
I really liked the SG1 episode where some Sci-Fi nerds started making a TV show that bore resemblance to the stargate programme. I loved the irony because I have met people in real-life who genuinely believe that the USAF/NASA actually have a secret space programme similar to Stargate, and uses ancient tech left over by aliens/human hybrids - just go read up on Black Triangles on the ATS forums and you'll see what I mean
Agree with this, the way SG1 built up over the season is what made it great.
I also enjoyed Atlantis. SGU was ok, but I did skip a few episodes, it just didn't hold my attention or make me care about the characters enough.
The storyline of SGU was much like the series itself, just drifting along with no real goal or direction.
SGU > SG Atlantis > SG-1.
I am still mad they canceled sgu and made that dark matter stuff. Don't get me wrong it's good but characters in universe are on a whole another level Dr. Rush best example
will always hold a special place in my heart. Going back and watching it all these years later, it's morbidly campy...
was much more fun and exciting. I think this one holds more re-watchability all these years later. (I've seen it at least 6 times through back in the day)
I am one of the few people who actually really enjoyed it. The first half of the season was a bit rough. It was a heavy deviation form the traditional SG feel. By half way through the season they already marked the show for termination. By the end of the season though, it had really warmed up and I was really getting into it. I was very sorry to see it end.
Some critique though, I wish the writers would've fully embraced the survivalist and isolated theme. They never should've introduced communication back with earth. The writers used it as a crutch for character development and filling in back story because they weren't creative enough to use the elements that were more readily available.
So basically, take out the trips back to earth, and add more of the classic scifi stuff like them running into alternate versions of themselves...
We will prolly never get another stargate show... and I'm ok with that.
A lot of SG1 episodes were filmed near me in Kamloops BC when I was younger, which I always thought were pretty cool. They even named a race of aliens on the show after an area nearby me.
SG1 was a pretty fun little sci-fi show, though. It is the best one of the three.
I remember these shows coming on when I was like 10 or so and tried watching them but never enjoyed them. Maybe I'd like them now...is it on netflix/hulu/amazon?