1 install the game on a ssd/nvme (this is essential)
2 download and use bes_1.7.9 cpu scheduler and hook it to the main exe.
then limit the cpu to 5-10% (really its just stopping the cpu hitting 100% usage and causing the freeze.)
the better your cpu the closer to 5% you want to be, i found 7 works well for a 5900x
when you quit the game unfreeze all first, then quit bes, then quit the game.
… end results …
playable fps 45+. no hitching and stuttering at medium high settings 1440p
and audio is in sync.
if you have an amd card open your control panel, find the tessellation level and reduce it to x4.
there shouldn’t be much noticeable difference but will strip out a lot of vertices that are just taking up gpu resources.
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I’ve not experienced this YET but will make note of the Tesselation settings.
I also that AMD released some newer drivers today and it supports better performance in Starfield.
What times have come… In the past, every % was needed to play, and today you have to limit your cpu.
Or play games that don’t have a million bugs and lack of optimization.
tbh its a bit of a lemon all round…
the story so far and im about 4 hours in just following the blue octagon…
is MEH! at best.
the fps combat feels like dead space and is likely to become very repetitive.
i get the explore aspect but while its all nicely drawn and populated. it feels empty.
I am wondering in your opinion of the three following games stories are better Knights of the Old Republic, Kights of the Old Republic 2, Star Wars the Old Republic . How does Starfield story compare to the other three games?
never played any of the starwars games so cant make a fair comparison.
but bethesda softworks. ive been a fan since morrowind.
it might just be the storys a slow burn but for now its a bit point to point which is a bit different to eldar scrolls and fallout.
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I’m not a huge Hype Train commuter, I’m a wait-it-out gamer, ~but~ traditionally those are things that Bethesda is pretty weak at, and their games only really kick off once you get to stretch your legs. Immediately throwing you in was one reason I got into New Vegas and just couldn’t really get hooked by FO3, for example.
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well i apparently completed the main questline and its NO MANS SKY… bethesda style.
i think bethesda have screwed the pooch with this one.
the game has no idea what it wants to be and most of the mechanics are superfluous to the experience.
yeah you can buy and build an outpost. no idea why you would want to its just a money sink.
you can hire all the best crew. but theres no need for them once you get past level 20 and you perked up.
there is literally no reason to explore beyond the boundries of the landing zones, sure theres stuff out there but when you get there its either abandoned or you get a side quest to run to the other side of the map to kill a villian.
which is no actual fun because you gotta slow run and bunny hop the whole way.
in skyrim you got side tracked to a cave or a trigger event, not in this. go to point a then b and oh you can jump to j and head home… what about c d e f g h i… no bearing on the mission outcome and is more of a clean up the location for scrap and move on…
sure the modders are gonna have fun… but the game itself has little in the way of giving you a reason to play through it again.
yes im sure theres lots to look at off the beaten track. but honestly, no reason to go look.
Sounds like Starfeild is like Star Wars knight of the Republic 2, once you finished the main story quests your done, no replay. @anon7678104 as you got further into the story, did you like it better?
it does what its supposed to and thats drag the story along.
but its hardly riveting stuff.
On the other hand, Bethesda modders get No Man’s Sky to play around with. Give it a year for main patches and that community to do their thing.
Still cementing a “wait for GOTY Edition” plan of course.
you can play without bes_1.7.9
install on a minimum pci-e gen 3 nvme.
apparently sata III ssd’s ain’t quick enough
start the game, ctrl+alt+del
open task manager go to the details tab.
find starfield.exe right click on it and change its priority to high… (do not set it higher)
close task manager and return to the game. quit to desktop…
start the game as normal…
set everything to low regardless of your gpu… and see what fps you get for your screen size.
you can up the details if your not happy with low, but the performance hit to image quality increase is massive.
my 3070 is crumpling on anything higher than low and low medium settings
bit it is smooth 95% (still chugs outside the lodge.)
everything above and add in bes_1.7.9 your up to 99% smooth gameplay where you can up the settings a little… but it will still crumple most current cards at anything higher than medium.
The game is made by Bethesda. ‘nuff said.
I am on 1080p with high settings turned on, with shadows turned to low and motion blur disabled and I get a very steady ~55 FPS with a 3060ti. I am also using a 5900x for my CPU.
There are parts that dip and the 0.1% low was like 20 FPS but buy and large its been very enjoyable. I liked Fallout and Skyrim and this feels like that in space so its my cup of tea.
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nvidia released its new driver 12/9/23… it fixes most issues with low framerates for some.
it has for me, so far.
im now playing 1440p high settings smooth as …
no bes 1.7.9 and im gonna revert back to normal priority and undo my previous tweaks.
oh and yes its a slow burner… the main story isnt the first playthrough
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Where can I find the real tested examples of what hardware that game really wants. I read the recommended system requirements and to me they appear low. Yet I keep hearing people are having hardware performance issues.
I have not played it but it looks really good.
now that we have a working driver.
have a look here for system requirments.
Got about 15 hours into the game, realized I was just playing the game to play the game. Stopped playing the game. I’ll wait a few years and see if modders can bring some level of enjoyment to the game.
What do you feel is missing?
The lack of any feeling of progression turns it into a chore simulator. I’m at level 12 or so and none of the equipment feels much better than what you start out with at the intro. In fact I often end up going back to my drilling laser as my main weapon over and over. None of the gear seems to matter, none of the techs seem to matter. +10% oxygen, +10% laser damage, big whoop? Enemies scale, equipment scale, everything basically feels the same as you level so all it ends up being an experience where you’re cycling through a lot of loading screens and playing weight management games for little to no intrinsic reward. Even the money system seems to be a pain in the ass. Vending machines have little money so you can’t offload the weight from yourself/your ship/your follower even when you want to. And after collecting a bunch of money it seems like there’s nothing worth spending it on other than maybe getting a better ship.
Maybe the fun starts to show up after 50 hours in but that’s ridiculous to expect customers to wait that long.
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