Just found out there isnt a campaign / Galactic Conquest....I knew EA-Dice would fuck it up somehow but wtf.....
Looks like im going to have to dig up Shadows of the Empire to relive the battle of Hoth.
Just found out there isnt a campaign / Galactic Conquest....I knew EA-Dice would fuck it up somehow but wtf.....
Looks like im going to have to dig up Shadows of the Empire to relive the battle of Hoth.
EA will fuck up battlefront like they fucked up Dead Space 3
Guarantee it will be a Battlefield re-skin with all the hallmarks of modern dewritos peasant shooters
Like I told a few other people. this is a dice game so really the game may come out in Nov but it will come out of beta in the summer of 2016. Right around the time it goes on sale during all the summer sales. so for me I will wait for the finished working game at a sale low price. that worked out great for me with BF4. I don't see why it wont also work for SWBF its not like I don't have 300+ other games to keep me busy until then. but if it sucks. I wont be out anything since I will still have 300+ games but minus 1 crap one.
I would agree with you there...but I just got BF4 this past December and its still broken. The Star Wars fan in me will force me to get it down the line, but only when I can get the game and all DLC for under $30, so it might be a few years....
It will be fun to see more people playing Battlefield II when this come out and blows.
Jim Sterling on Battlefront
Oh wow. Damn I have never watched Jim Sterling before. This is so spot on, exactly how I feel about games now as well. Anyway back to deserving games like BattleFront II.
Yeah, I have felt this way for years now. Its not like I want to hate triple A game or do so because I want to be different or "cool". I genuinely want to be excited for this game (or any triple A game) and I want it to be amazing. But after 8+ or so years of being lied to and getting either broken and/or only half the game (other half is paid DLC) I have become conditioned not to trust anything any of these huge publishers say about a game.
I have 200+ games in my backlog. so really its not all bad.
too bad, its edited and jar lives...
Jim has a lot of good content and also he has some content on at escapist
basically jimqusition should bring him up, he has one of greatest video's about f2p
I still play Battlefront 2 and find it entertaining so I don't see why Battlefront 3 wouldn't be as good. But yes, somehow somewhere something is going to go wrong...
I forget where but I heard there's not going to be space battles. Is that confirmed because that was honestly half of the game for me and multi-player space battles would be awesome.
Air fights: yes, space battles: not likely at this point.
Plus, the PC version will not have a splitscreen mode, while the PS4 and XBOne version will. And Dennis BrÀnnvall suggests just buying a console or a second PC for that. https://twitter.com/DICE_FireWall/status/590258803188178944
This might seem like an irrelevant detail to some people but the point is that PC gamers are treated unequal.
rrraaaaaagh! you went and spoiled the magic!
AT-ATs on rails no free movement...
I just puked in my mouth a little.
with every post a little bit more of me dies inside
Me too
well hell, rail shooter ~ game is looking to be the ashiest thing in 2015.