Star Citizen, What do "you" want to do?

Lower tier lambo.

Spend a few days or weeks mining asteroids whilst listening to this song. Preferably in a system in the SC equivalent of "null sec" space, protect by the Tek Syndicate Armada. (we must become the ultimate "renegade" organization in the galaxy damnit.)

As well as a number of other songs used in the Vsauce series.

here is one of my faves from another space sim sires that more or less ended up shooting itself in both feet.

another good one:

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have to admit, this is one nice looking ship, wish their was more info on maximum range though.

also like this one, but again, not a lot of info.

Very few people have really responded by saying what they want to do, me personally:

I am interested in high-risk trading, y'know moving high value goods through the less scrupulous parts of space where the pay-offs are higher, transporting goods which are not 'fully condoned' or 'fully compliant' with the government regulations.

And I think some casual 'privateering', y'know procurement of trade goods via means other than the voluntary exchange of goods in return for money, I would hate to call it piracy, that has negative connotations. Besides, pirates normally leave witnesses, I think it's better if the ships just 'disappear'.

I also think it would quiet interesting to play a more, sort of 'dark-side' character, y'know stolen ships, forged documents, that kind of thing, committing crimes in unregistered and uncrackable ships, ghost ships, seized by pirates and sold on the black market.

And I think trading between the Earth Empire and the other alien planets, dealing in exotic and prohibited goods, running the customs borders, I think that would be interesting. So would being part of scavanging crew, running the battleship graveyards from the big vandul battles, in vandul space...

Just hauling freight, which I think quiet a few people are genuinely interested in would be quiet boring, exploring would be ok I guess, but there is not so much risk or PVP/PVE in that...

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I take it you have never done hauling before, it isn't all to boring, and you are often if not constantly the target of pirates unless you find a way to stay out of their sensor range.

It would seem rather unrealistic to have piracy in and between the major core areas of human space, logically the crime would be more likely on the outer worlds.

ever played any of the older Space Sims that had online capability? core systems being policed does not deter pirates (npc or Player) one bit.

sure outer systems do tend to be higher risc but mostly due to a lack of places to get help/repairs from.

It would in real life, intact naval patrols and cargo manifests were very effective at preventing piracy, note that most of the big earth cargo vessels are very poorly armored.

And apparently operated largely in the inner parts of human space, indicating that such space was substantially safer.

I think it would be cool if I could be an engineer and wire systems and such :3

nope, not nearly as much as you would think even IRL on earth it is much more of a problem than you hear about.

The only US Flagged Merchant vessal to be seized by force since like WW2, was a Marshal Islands Flag of convenience vessal, and that was only temporarily, by a state having a temper tantrum, and lashing out to show it was 'powerful'.

Today, most pirates operate out of relatively lawless areas, primarily somalia, but also notably in South-east-asia which is a sort of exception here. And even then, there are naval patrols in these areas, and no ship with guards on has been seized yet.

Historically Piracy was a quiet major affair, however the major navies of the world did a good job stamping it out, and also the transport of illegal contraband like slaves, which although legal in many other parts of the world, was outlawwed by the Britian, and subject to punitive measures by the RN.

So yeah, I would say the fact that piracy has gone from being a global threat, to a regional threat operating out of primarily relatively lawless parts of the planet is a good argument for the effectiveness of governments to prevent priacy. That and how the RN managed to stop the slave trade.