Star Citizen, What do "you" want to do?

You're right. We'll make mountains.

You could make a lot of money having a ship with a jump drive in the beginning if you were a transport. Charge like 500 UEC per trip to star system... You'll be rolling in dough


i wanna be a badass jack of all trades
random screenshot


I am thinking of converting my Cutlass into a Freelancer either MAX or DUR..Because a Freelancer would be better for hauling and exploration..I already have the Arbiter LTI package so I have a 325a..The question is will I be able to keep my asteroid hanger..It was the almost the whole reason why I bought the Cutlass, at the time you did not have an option to just buy hangers..

From what I have heard the DUR is the better one if you lean more towards exploration, due to some sensor upgrades you cant add to the others, but if you lean more towards hauling, the MAX would be best, it has the most cargo space, and the others cant be upgraded to the same level of cargo space.

(been doing a lot of ship research lately myself)

space tow truck.


Thanks for the info..I would like to be a hauler or an explorer I don't know..I want to be an explorer just so I can name stuff..I am thinking of starting a list of names and words to use when naming stuff..But now that I think about it a DUR would be better now and then get a real hauler or something in game..

Cool idea!

wouldnt that just be a tow ship?...
no, i'm doing too logical, people still say two-thousand fifteen instead of twenty fifteen
by that logic, they will probably end up being called space tow trucks.

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Search and rescue. Mining with trade. Alien encounters.

Special operations for the procurement of assets and resources for the Org. Im mostly wondering how dedicated our members are, we only have about 50, largest Org has 11,000....

Mining, as well as first person combat.

I feel more will join if it's legit.

I don't require the names of the

I will be the honorary poor labour class :)

You will never be poor if you function well in a good collective..

I want to fly around in my space lambo and explore/do shady stuff in places like Spider. I'll pitch into the TS fleet as well.

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My stuff..I might be changing my Cutlass to a DUR

And my vehicle I use in spider..

lol 350r