So CISA passed

I am not surprised to see Sanders in the Nays.

You most certainly did, and if this was meatspace, I probably just would've tuned you out. While your argument was sound, the tone in which the text was delivered was not. Such is the problem with passion. I know someone that gets riled up over things, and it just makes others tune him out, no matter how reasonable his arguments are.

What do you think about the alleged mother of democracy, Athens?

Yeah. I'm not surprised to see Wyden and Merkley on the nay side as well. No if only they could convince the other asshats to change their tune. . .

Yup! My bad! But calling America a democracy, in light of the evidence readily available, is just plain negligence (or so it seems). But since the counter-argument was mine, the onus falls on me (in this case) to provide a civil response.

As for Athens, that was pre-enlightenment. As Edward Said rightly points out in Culture and Imperialism, it makes no sense to compare or contrast pre-enlightenment and post-enlightenment societies, or pre-industrial and post-industrial for that matter. Besides, ethics and moral principles are constructed continually and in a gradient scale there is no point in looking back. For instance, the magna carta is universally considered the birth of modern political morality. However, it is worth remembering that the magna carta neither acknowledged rights of women, nor of people of color. But that does not mean it did not have value. It was the beginning of the realization that structures of authority require popular justification, and since then that realization has expanded and morphed. The Magna Carta, in its original form, would be considered scandalous today. But then, it is not meant to be practiced. It is merely a historical milestone. Same goes for Athens.

I feel you. I was lazy and didn't contact Cantwell or Murray about CISA because they've had a good record in the past voting on similar bills.

My emotions are a mix of rage and guilt.

I find it mind-boggling that people actually believe giving up their rights to the government will ensure their safety and financial security when the truth is exactly the opposite. I'm not sure where the lack of insight and naivness comes from. I guess the continuous dismantlement of education system has something to do with it.

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abandon this thread.
any user name caught in it, will go down for dissent
then your power will get cut, and the dogs will rush in

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And after that wait untill they will enforce our thoughts and the only way out would be suicide

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i bet they didn't read the thing. They just know we need more security from china hackers, and here's a nice cybersecurity bill for you to pass.
