Edit: I found out that goes through a committee between the House and Congress.
Edit: Found an interesting excerpt from the summary.
Provides liability protections to entities acting in accordance with this Act that: (1) monitor information systems, or (2) share or receive indicators or defensive measures, provided that the manner in which an entity shares any indicators or defensive measures with the federal government is consistent with specified procedures and exceptions set forth under the DHS sharing process. Prohibits this Act from being construed to permit the federal government to require an entity to provide information to the federal government.
Oh my, the old Stasy agents would have tears in their eyes now.
Sorry... its sad. And it's a world wide epidemic. Under the cover of "war against terrorists" gov's all over the world start spying and surveilling their own citizen. Which in the end is just a mean of repression.. causing selfcensorship caused by fear.
The real problem is this surveillance and data collecting is being passed on to the big co's who maliciously do whatever they want with the data. If not already then soon!
If it was STRICTLY for tracking down terrorist/killer threats then it wouldn't be so bad!
For years people like Chomsky, Zinn, Ed Said, Fox Piven et al. have warned us that the United States is an oligarchy. A longitudinal Princeton study established as much last year. So, why is this surprising anyone? Yes, it is a very sad day, as the U.S. went from being a pseudo-democracy to a full-fledged and self-acknowledging autocracy! It is surprising how much Americans put up with having less than zero influence on their government's policies. In any country with a minimum amount of public awareness this would lead to large scale public outrage and demonstrations. But we are too busy worrying about the resolution of the next iPhone screen to notice that our consumerism is really a dog-training collar around our necks that we are getting just too comfortable with!
And here's the best part... you will still hear people talk about the next election and say things like "Hillary seems to be the better choice"!! NO! You don't have any "better choice"... it's system of one political party, with two faces, and you merely get to press a button once every four years to specify who you wanna get whipped by! Sanders isn't much better either -- he pretends a bit about socialism and welfare, but we have all seen his positions on Israel's terrorism and Snowden's fate. He is no socialist!
Why are there no non-fucked up countries on this planet? It seems to me that all of them have issues that really could and are probably going to cripple societies. Americas, EU, Africa, Australia, Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia all have big problems that are probably going to fuck the entire world.
Direct action civil disobedience! There is a lot to be learned from the '60s... which is why there is an overt effort to portray the decade, and to a lesser extent the '70s as well, as the decade of decadence, debauchery and disintegration. Whereas, if you read the actual historical archives (instead of the CNN/Fox News/MSNBC crap) you will see that there has never been so much solidarity and unity among the people than at the height of the counterculture movement. I mean, sure, there were drugs... but those were the fringes of the movement. Every movement has its fringes, where extremities occur, and they serve to provide a contrast that helps to keep the movement in its path. And even those fringes, back in the '60s, promoted and endorsed the use of psychedelics, medically proven to have ZERO neurotoxicity and no psycho-/physio-addictivity. But it was necessary to portray them as decadent in order to (a) break the solidarity of the movement, and (b) steer the populace towards hard narcotics so the war on drugs, essentially an euphemism for a policy of imprisoning the poor, could be instituted. Which is why marijuana is illegal but tobacco is legal. What we need, and there really is no alternative here, is DIRECT ACTION CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE a-la Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Black Panthers, Emma Goldman etc.
"The problem seems to be that in this country there is a bad habit of defining others by their actions and the elites by their intentions." ~~ Howard Zinn.
The problem is, if someone started a new "good" country, all the corrupt ones would call war on it immediately or it would be drowned under piles of cash.