Exactly! For a historical evidence to back up your point, take a look at the Spanish Revolution of 1936. The CNT managed to set up a functioning, prosperous anarcho-syndicalist society that was completely collectivized in nature. It wassuccessful and prosperous, until it was crushed by the combined forces of European monarchism, American imperialism and Bolshevik bureaucracy! Historical records are sparse, and most available works are polarized... but a few good ones survive... by Rudolph Rocker, and Noam Chomsky. I think Durutti himself wrote a couple or memoirs. Also, George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia is good place to look!
Just found this comment on reddit in regards to CISA.
I work with Dem candidates. Let's say I'm a House member: my job is to represent my constituent interests. And every campaign I've been on, most people support increased security measures and helping to safeguard America.
Do you want to be the 'shitty' candidate who voted against keeping Americans safe? The member who voted against protecting Americans from criminals?
Money and favors isn't most of it: it's perception on the ground and ensuring their reelection.
Doublethink is strong in this one.
Very strong indeed. I am often surprised at the fact that the people who are most affected by an act of injustice, are almost always the easiest ones to be persuaded to defend it.
But the government will be able to deem whatever they want as an indicator of cyber threat. And yeah the entities are not required to share it but why wouldn't they? It was fine 2 years ago but here they voted off any privacy protections and passed the bill as a crutch for massive surveillance.
What needs to be done is to jail the american government and put them on trial for crimes against the us people and the world. Subject them to the real due process standard ( public defenders :)~ ) the average us citizen gets. I figure it will take half a century at least to sort that crap out. We really do need to start holding our government accountable for their actions which we don't ever seem to do.
It's not surprising at all. We have essentially, always had democracy. Pretty much the rest of the world knows what it was like to not have democracy, so they are more protective of it. We take it for granted, because we've had it from the beginning (if you don't count the colonial era).
I can't find the quote, but I think it was Ret. General Normal Schwartzkopf that said if the US was struck by a terrorism attack again, the American people would willingly give up their rights. This is no justification for the bullshit laws and policies being and passed, though. This is how they justify them though, but it's ironic, because they are stripping the people of their rights. Should such a thing happen, there will probably be no rights left to forfeit.
We have always had democracy? The rest of the world knows what it is not to have democracy? Where do you get your history from?
When exactly was America a democracy? During the genocide of the indigenous? During the enslavement of the African? During the internment of the Japanese American? During the Jim Crow era? During the Vietnam War (when the CIA, as they themselves acknowledge in their declassified papers, tried to assassinate numerous civil rights leaders)? During the massacre in Latin America?
Read Howard Zinn. Read Rosa Parks. Read Ed Said. America was never a democracy. It is a settler colonial society founded upon the genocide of an ancient civilization, the enslavement of the African, and the looting, plundering and pillaging of the rest of the world! In a democracy, Md. Ali would not go to prison for refusing to join a genocidal war. In a democracy, institutions of economic and political power are under popular control. In a democracy Gov. Wallace would not dare to use the National Guards to block black students from registering at U. of Alabama. In a Democracy, Madison, in framing the constitution would not write, "A Federation ought to be so constructed as to protect the opulence of the few against the plight of the many." That is in our fucking constitution!! Go read it. In a democracy, a bunch of genocidal maniacs would not be called Founding Fathers. What exactly did they found? All they did was massacre an ancient civilization, steal their land and rape their women. George Washington himself ratified the "Indian Removal Act", and authorised the stealing of their land! That's about as much democracy as America has ever been! As Oscar Wilde once said, upon visiting America -- 'I came to see a republic. I saw only an empire." As Arundhati Roy, and Noam Chomsky, writes -- "When a country becomes much more than a nation, and starts to dwarf even the most oppressive of ancient empires [...]".
Read Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, if you really want to know how much democracy America has EVER had.
As for the rest of the world... two examples suffice to prove the point -- the Native Americans accepted the African slaves into their tribes and inter-married and liberated the slaves from the moment they were brought to America. They had democracy BEFORE our precious fucking founding fathers ruined it all. As Chief Sitting Bull once said -- "Before our white brothers arrived, we had no prison. We had no thieves. If someone was so poor that they could not afford a horse or a tipi, one was given to them."
Second, Cuba -- the country that our precious fucking democracy has tried to ruin for over 60 years, and thankfully failed miserably, played a major role in freeing Nelson Mandela (whom the U.S. classified as a "terrorist" till 1996!!) and ending apartheid.
America, is the ONE country that has not only NEVER had any semblance of democracy, but has always been the greatest obstacle to achieving a democracy. American DO NOT take democracy for granted. Most of us don't even have an idea of what it is, or how it is achieved. The rest of the world has always known!
As for Schwartzkopf, he is an imperialist war criminal, and I am not going to dignify any comment of his with a response. If you are interested, read journalist Glenn Greenwald's works!
I'm not arguing with your definition, but why didn't you just say so in the first place?
Also, you forgot how the US and UK supported the 1953 Iranian coup because the prime minister nationalized the oil industry there. That's another really good example.
Yet another reason to move to Germany or Switzerland; at least for a little while, until they ruin it here too.
I was thinking some place with a Warlord. At least the politics would be straight forward.
Clicked the link with HTTPS Everywhere on, the page headline says "No HTTPS" and "can't" redirect me to the actual page. Tells you something eh.
Eh, no net neutrality, refugee crisis all of that bullshit is going around EU right now. It's sickening.
First of all, on re-reading my response, I probably got a bit carried away! Sorry about that,,, the amount of ignorance in this country about our genealogies makes me mad at times! But you are right... Iran's troubles began with Britain and the U.S. backing the Shah's ridiculous pompous reign! That sparked the revolution in the first place. And the revolution was to be a Marxist one too. That's where the Israeli Mosad and CIA came in, and funded the extremist wings of the revolution. There is an awesome graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi called Persepolis! She was eight years old when the revolution started and her parents were secular marxists who were major figures in the revolution... in the novel she recalls living through the revolution, the revolution being hijacked by Islamists, and her subsequent escape to Austria at the age of 16! Take a look!
I've literally debated to myself whether or not if it's even worth it to remain as a citizen of this country.
I mean, I'd rather die under no flag and be free in the wilds than die with the promise of everlasting safety and lack of privacy.
I remember a Defcon talk where the guy and his group were trying to stop some stupid 12 year old from DDoS'ing people, possibly tracking lizard squad but that might be another group. Anyways they ended up stopping the group by making all of the local nodes attack each other.
Now here's a hypothetical: We make all of the DC nodes attack each other and no one can use the internet, not even 3G, but phone calls will still work. So either they all use Dat-Net (56k for phones) or dial up, and until they revise the bill to not screw us all over as well as all the countries they can possibly fuck in the ass, we just lock the nodes in a state of perpetual attack until they stop being jackasses or we fry the nodes.
This is a hypothetical thought; if anyone attempts to do this I do not have any connection to them and uhhh, jesus blessed texas according to my south-mormon bible. God bless Obama and plz don't arrest people for their thoughts.
It's a forum. Essentially I am saying get over it D.C., people use the internet and no one gives a flying fuck about what you want.
Privacy, law, jesus, satan, good and evil...... We made all that up and no we're constricting people with false senses of feelings we even made up ourselves.
Fact is this is like playing house then you're 6. None of it actually matters.
Luckily, in about 5-9 years a lot of congressmen are going to be dead from old age and we'll have more modern congressmen.....
Well, hopefully at least.
Ah! You have inched towards the realization George Orwell and Rudolph Rocker had years ago... "All flags are black when burned". Welcome to the Black Block!
I haven't lived in the States, or used the passport, in over seven years! My father is Indian, so I use that passport. And I can only say that losing an inherited identity has made my being lighter and allowed me to be a nomad. And the more I travel, the more I realize the futility of living a constricted life. Arundhati Roy aptly writes in The End of Imagination (condemning India's 1996 nuclear tests), "Perhaps we can love our countries in a slightly different way... perhaps we can think of it more as a landscape to be cherished, than a boundary to be patrolled."
I was thinking more along the lines of "A nation's flag will be burned to ashes, and will feed the grasses."
That aside, I've always dreamed of traveling. Wisdom is best experienced from the world.
Edit: I seem to be going on a tangent, so I might revert to the subject at hand; the bill may have been initially passed, but I suspect that due to the outrage this will cause, it may get repealed in due time.
I have always kept a picture of my fat, saggy nutsack on my phone in case this ever did happen. Now I suggest you all do the same. Eventually they'll get tired of looking at nutsacks and they'll quit.