june 1st 2020 the hill was cleared
2021 start
we got many zucchini but i do not have pics sadly we ate them to fast
zuccs are super ez to grow nearly plant em and water em and you get butt tons of em
the garden as of today may 11th 2021
this is dry dandelion root its basically a supplement liver powder, when baked its a good coffee sub that doesn’t have the crash
its very hap hazard and not really efficient but homy and as cheap as possible
i collect seeds from the things i eat and things i grow in the future i want to get the genome of a few of the plants copied like that sunflower that is crazy
Put weed in a tree its dank as shit
once i can grow my own currently have to go to dispensaries
MI we can have 12 plants no problem lel
Grow it out of a tree, shit load of bud, long ass straight hemp fibers.
Not very GOOD bud, but hey fuck it
Transplanted some rouge sunflowers and watered hard hopefully they’ll take !
Also i built up a retaining wall this path was falling alot
You are from Utah, right? I see some big trees in the background but the soil does not look rich in humus. How well does stuff grow where you live, is it harder to grow there?
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super clay filled soil in holladay utah things grow well its been basically sense it was settled by the mormons its been worked this land pre ww2 was a orcard and the new up and coming area in the “country” its been a cow farm a orchard and now housing for the wealthy lmao
the soil is shit and i keep hitting MASSIVE rocks ive been workign on this hill for 2 years and i kinda do a thing my great grandpa from poland did while farming to keep water and make room for roots
bury logs and trees and sticks and leaves deep as fuck and then add the clay back with grass clippings throughout its gonna take years to get everything to where its gonna grow well
raspberries grow fucking well they love the soil here
utah used to be a inland sea and water so high the mountains were islands
so theres alot of calcium and shit that fucks plants in this ammount
plant love some calcium but not this much
you will find alot of trash and bones cause how long the area didnt have trash services
i dig up ribs and teeth and all sorts of bones and glass and things
i found old milk jug lids only about 5 inches down
its keeping it good for plants thats the struggle
I see, thank you for the explanation. I have a picture of Utah in my mind, alas I have never been there, that it is more a scarce kind of landscape. In your pictures there are a lot more plants and more gardening in general than I would have suspected to be possible. Now that you have mentioned the clay I think I am able to see it in the pictures. I am happy following your progress. Keep posting, please
@THEkitchenSINK do blueberries grow?
those are my favorite
yes but with the drought in the last few years getting new ones to take will not happen here its way to dry im moving to peppers and tomatillo and hardy greens and beans and squash
raspberries and black berries LOVE it here though and some grapes utah is little known for the grapes and wine cause mormons but there are alot of old tasty as fuck vines
sunflowers being native to utah make getting sunflowers A EZ thing to grow
I put the indoor plants outside and starters its time to get the matos and peppers int the ground
I got a yuzu lemon to sprout!!!
10 years now to fruit
I will be exploring many other fruits i willmkre them likely start from cuttings
The potatoes and pumpkins are doing good today
May 15th 2021
The beans! And acorn squash have sprouted!!!
Ahhhhh yes!
Finished the raspberry trench yesterday
Gotta hold back them shoots or they will take over
The potatoes have a small mushroom growing i need to water a tad less
Bucket lettuce is going well its been a while it was a lettuce knot i saved and regrew over the winter
the sun flower patch is dooing great!
the top patch i transplanted alot of rouge ones they took but need time to grow in
my peppers are blooming!
a grape that was cut down when this fence was replaced years ago came back and we are trying to train it way from the fence and arch over the path might have to duck lmao
dug in more grow boxes from old drawers i will remove the hardware before its to late!
the sun flowers are doing GREAT! the trans plants have new growth!
the beany bois are growing well alot more are sprouting i will get them a net to stop the birds soon
the potatoes are doing

may 18th 2021
wow look at those sunflowers