My Desktop "Service Host: DCOM Server process launcher (6)" For some reason my CPU is stuck at 30% processing That Service thing making my PC not responsive i even try to restore my PC but it always fails I don't know what to Do? i'm using my Laptop now is there a fix?
This is how it looks like at less paint loads and file explorer
I don't think you have to. Just disable the update sharing things and see if the usage goes down. You won't nuke your OS by using preprogrammed settings.
I can't tell for sure what is causing the issue, but the telemetry/updates in windows 10 need a lot of processing power, and this process is responsible for running those services.
I found a thread on microsoft answers that says your system install might be corruted. The solution they suggest is to run System File Checker Tool (sfc).
Have you tried to run the system settings as an administrator? That might be why it's not appearing when not in safe mode. I think the update tab doesn't work in safe mode because safe mode doesn't have all the services, like network support, turned on.
Nothing opens? That's strange. I don't know. I've never encountered that before.
Maybe you can at least open the settings as an administrator by going to C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel and running SystemSettings via right-click > "Run as admin"
I'm sorry, I can't help with that. But when you'll be installing windows 10 for the second time try turning of all the telemetry / updates stuff you can while installing, it should help performance.