Rocket League Dropping Mac and Linux support - Thank Epic

Rocket League used to be my main game, and although it is really annoying that they’re cutting support I also can’t really blame them. Emphasis on used to be. Rocket League has pretty much always had network issues. I was actually somewhat optimistic when EPIC bought them because I thought they’d finally make it better, but nope. Doesn’t matter where I was playing (my house, parents, friends, etc.), whether I was on WiFi or wired, PC or Xbox, I’ve ALWAYS had network issues with Rocket League. And it’s not me specifically every match, but there’s almost always at least one person who if you watch the scoreboard they’ll have the little packet loss icon, high latency, latency variation, etc. and it didn’t improve any after EPIC bought them out. So I’ve basically stopped playing. I literally haven’t even thought of it in like a couple weeks, which is kinda sad because I have hundreds of hours dumped into it and I was teetering between diamond and champ in 3’s at one point.

It would be nice of them to provide some sort of compensation to the people that spent hundreds or thousands of dollars in micro-transactions. I also don’t really care if they don’t. People have been bitching about how shitty micro-transactions are (especially random loot boxes) for several years now. People should know better by now, so fuck it.

It’s disappointing, but there’s still Proton, or consoles.


I’m not convinced he’s a cunt, just a troll.

That’s a Lunduke tier hot take.

Remember, I can catch anyone saying anything on Twitter.


[just a joke]

New upcomming version of Windows10 ships with Rocket League,
instead of Candy Crush… :laughing:

But yeah kinda dissapointing i guess.



Not the first. Won’t be the last. The key is not to criticize reasonable business or technology decisions of any company (buyout of company or not) in regards to existing products, but rather to push foward to entice their next decisions to root their best technology choices to be more inclusive of Linux.

Use Proton/Lutris/SteamPlay/WineX now on Rocket League to contribute technologically to it’s direct stability and the engine(s) games run on increasing stability and userbase of them. Valves goal was not onlyto make existing games run well, but create a development environment condusive to Windows-only scenario’s like these to run on Linux with less effort. If they know Windows well, it’s easier for them to tweak for Proton than port/develop on Linux.

We got this far running a marathon, not sprinting. Patience.

I was Linux gaming in the early 2000’s. I remember a Heroes of Might and Magic game, but my favorite to this day was Terminus. I recall playing it (Terminus Point?) on the community servers after it went down, too.

I keep a Windows gaming VM for this scenario. To maintain seamless integration rather than seperate monitor connection, I use Looking Glass to make the Win10 window an entire fullscreen workspace in my i3 WM. I keep multiple meta-keys mapped on my keyboard so that I can avoid confusing my Linux-centric meta keys seperate from the one for windows to avoid overlap issues. I then keep the NTFS drive of the windows game as a completely separate NVME passedtrhough partition that Linux can see and run the WIndows-only games on in SteamPlay/Proton without duplication.

I don’t always run the Win10 VM, but when I do I barely notice it from a UX perspective (I also run full spice/QXL drivers with the QEMU command line args to expand the video buffer to UHD/4k/Whatever levels for when I don’t boot the VM off the vid card for other uses) and I can experiement at will with Steamplay/Proton over time… any problems at all and boot the Win10 VM.

Not as hard as it sounds and is actually preferable in this new age. Our options are growing geometrically these days compared to 20 years ago. I remember ‘sc’ as a spreadsheet app at the console in the 90’s and no GUI. Could be worse. :wink:

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This has been the main reason for me to not give Epic any money since UT2004. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Valve actually supports Linux. So they get my money.



If there was a reason to delete this game from my library, this is the perfect reason.

I made a negative Steam review for the memes, didn’t figure that this would actually turn out to be the case.


I requested a refund, and if I don’t get one, I’m plain deleting it from my library.


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Like some others have stated I also see this as business decision from Psyonix, no reason to keep spending money to support platform that doesn’t generate enough profit to justify it. Not saying I’m happy about this, but can see the reasoning behind it.


Yeah i agree.

Most of gamers play on Windows10.
The market for Linux and Mac gamers is still pretty small.
And there for supporting it won’t generate enough profit to justify it.
So yeah i could totally see why they would stop supporting it.

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Time to make some noise.

This is exactly what Epic wants from this. Make gamers angry and direct them to steam when it should be to them. Getting a refund from steam only hurts steam and not Psyonix or Epic.

It is just underhanded, they were on reddit too offering refunds but then just pointing people to their support page which tell to to go bother Steam.

And while I get the sentiment, it is well past the refund time, Steam can be nice about refunds but I imagine they have been hit with a few hundred refund requests over this so it is not surprising they are saying no.

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You really tried to refund a game you played 65hrs? (This is why the linux community has a bad name)


And purchased 2 years ago…


I didn’t even do that many online matches, most were for benchmarking, and offline bot matches.

Your point?

Just to clarify, the refund policy is under 2 weeks (or is it a week?) of ownership or 2 hours of gameplay, whicher ever is more applicable.

AND, guess what… GamingOnLinux now report the official process is through Steam, so nobody is getting a cent.

Psyonix also say the official line is Steam too, that is coming straight from Psyonix/Epic.

Working perfectly it looks like too. Divert all the rage away from them and to a completely innocent third party that has tried to help them in the past with cross promotion and code help… Absolute scumbags.


Yup, so the situation got infinitely worse.

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Liam of GamingOnLinux is trying again, but I have low hopes for him and everyone, considering I was denied about an hour ago.

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