Recomended e-mail-service?

Thanks for the suggestion. Its now up and running. But all mails i send to a gmail account go straight to spam. I have set up SPF, DKIM, DMARC and rDNS. I get a 10/10 at Have you had similar issues / Do you know a way to get around this?

Send an email to [email protected]. That will bounce back an email that shows details about your SPF record, rIP, DKIM and SpamAssassin checks. Also if you look at the message source of the emails that gmail puts in a junk folder, gmail adds the reason for treating it as junk.


I get the following result:
SPF check: pass
“iprev” check: pass
DKIM check: pass
SpamAssassin check: ham

The reason from gmail ( translated):

This message is very similar to previous spam messages

That sounds like something akin to pyzor, which hashes messages, flagged your email as spam. Was your email something really short like Subj: test Body: test ?

No, i have sent mails with subj like: Hey a new message. And with a bodies that contain random copy pasted goethe poems.

hmm. With the email that you sent to, the bounce email gave spamassassin specifics like:

Result:         ham (-2.0 points, 5.0 required)

was your score close to 5? So maybe a slightly different configuration with different weights would have scored your email over the edge?

Funnily enough it gave back exactly the same result of -2.

With whom is your server hosted? Maybe your IP is on a black list that mail-tester did not check. checks a little over 100 lists.

No hits.

Then I am out of ideas. You could send an email to testclient at danger-rocket dot com and I can tell you what my server thinks about your setup, but it sounds like you have complied with best practices. GMAIL has a support form at to report problems. You may want to try that.
Posteo is quite nice as it has a nice mix of security and compatibility.

I personally use Zoho mail.

I would recommend against hosting your own email service as there are too many plausible issues with it.

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I sent them a report, lets hope they actually read it.

with Protonmail, you get a cool address

Also protonmail logs you out INSTANTLY (the second you click) no reloads and such


From what I understand with protonmail, the security is excessive to the point it starts to interfere with usability.

Excessive security? And HOW it interferes with usability?

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I like Protonmail as well. It’s a freemium service. There are absolutely no issues with using the free version, and they don’t pressure you to upgrade. I pay the first tier because there are added benefits and I want them to stay in business.

I like this feature a lot. It’s super simple and doesn’t sound as weird when you give people your email address or sign up for things.

I also like that you can have multiple addresses under one account, and you can also use

I’ve been using it for several months and haven’t had any issues, other than the spam filter can be a bit over-cautious. It’s a very minor issue though. There’s only been one or two times where I’ve had to look in my spam and find something. I’d rather it filter out too much and have to check it every once in a while instead of it being too relaxed and letting a buncha bullshit it.

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Perhaps they are filtering based on the age of your registered domain and/or the age of your tls certificate. That’s pure speculation.

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@MiekeReust @aLilBabyOtter
I should have been more clear with this, but security in excess where it is the little things that cannot be used.

For my use case (may not be the OP’s), I like having the ability be able to use IMAP as I manage multiple emails with a single application rather than be forced to use a specialized app for it.

Alright then nevermind, I did not know that IMAP compatibility was implement for paid users.

I ran a few more blacklist sites and found myself on the following list: I removed my ip. Lets hope that that fixes it.

I have a guide for you.

Not gonna pretend it is super encrypted beyond the normal. Just means you are hosting it yourself. You can encrypt the local storage of course.

Or Proton mail.