QuakeCon 2018!


As long as we can get within the general vicinity of each other… what did you guys do last year?

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we were seated near “yes”

close to the doors and close to the wall because THERE WILL BE A SHITPOSTING PROJECTOR THIS TIME

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Ok let’s chat tomorrow between 5-7 pm PST since you’re over in Commiefornia on @kewldude007’s server.

Sounds good.

narrowing it down to here

You guys doing a group buy? @jajone4


At the moment it is with the nine people in the suite we have

Where do I throw money in the pot?

jajone is handling it

Guess I’ll hear back this evening.

I can only purchase 10 tickets at a time so the group I’m purchasing for is more or less full already. On Friday evening we can be in chat on Discord and keep each other in the loop concerning where we will be sitting.




I’m a bit late on this thread, but we are going, Myself and Jacob (hes my friend that came the last 2 years)

I’ll purchase our two tickets during my break at work tonight, Where are we sitting exactly? Or are we narrowing that down on discord tonight?

side note: Why not sit in the “maybe” section, It’s closer to the hotel, most of us will be staying in. close to the exhibits, and equidistant to the bathrooms.

Maybe will be a much higher traffic area, while Yes should be more like the caves we’re accustomed to.


makes sense.

We (group of ten people) are aiming for the red oval I have highlighted on the pic a few posts up, the final spot is whatever jajone can get tonight

The seats are in rows going vertically, we should pick one or two or three and shoot for that

If anyone that is not already in here and wants to coordinate

Expires in 24 hours

If I know for a fact you are not going to quakecon and I see you in there you get banned

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I’ll be in my office at work, can’t really discord.

30 mins away, hopefully they don’t go instantly…

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T-minus 10 assholes . . .