Quake Champions Megathread

You die. You die in a fire.

Thanks for confirming my observation is correct.

I got it a few times in Unholy Trinity as well… the few days I played last week’ish. Even saw it show up on the new arcade mode yesterday.

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I just tipped my toes in Quake a few days ago.
I’ve never played to older Quakes and was always more of a UT guy.

From reading this thread i’m still in the “i have no clue whats going on” Phase, which is great. I’m not utilizing any abilities for the most part, and am mostly mindlessly running around trying to kill averything that moves. From knowing myself, sooner or later i’ll start getting into the whole nitty gritty meta Discussion. Until then, this game is great fun, i love the soundtrack and it’s pacing. It’s a really great mixup from Overwatch for me.

Any tips for a complete noob like me, that i should look out for?

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