[Q] Most profitable prog language?

Hello sir/madam,
I’m wondering what the most profitable programming language is now and in the future. In what language should I become the master and could get a job position for 10 years. Just to open up discussion I think Rust would have the performance but compiling and running it + that is not even wildly known to become the code to rule them all.

Better said:
A prog lang to get anyone a secure job for the next 10 years.

Cobol will be good until 2038 when nearly everyone will FINALLY be forced off.




C, C++, HTML, PHP, and Java. I wouldn’t say one is better than the other for profit. But I will say that I love C out of the 5.

I’d probably learn them in this order:

  1. Java
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. PHP
  5. HTML

Java is a strong language as Android itself is written in it and all of its apps, as well as programs for other platforms as well. It’s very flexible.

C, being my favorite language, is used for a lot of infrastructure such as drivers in the Linux kernel and other low level things. It’s really cool to be able to manipulate hardware to the extent that you can. Hell if you really wanted to C could be used for writing an operating system from the ground up

C++ is an interesting language… My only personal experience with it is writing stubs and shims for devices. It’s not as restrictive as C overall and it’s very very flexible given hardware.

As for PHP and HTML… PHP will probably always be a necessary evil. I don’t know it myself because websites aren’t my forte but I’ve heard it’s a major pain in the ass. HTML is used for higher level crap and it’s really simple. Suggest learning it as it’s going to be used for a long while as it would seem.

Honestly though… Start with Python. It’s used everywhere and very very useful. Not many jobs for Python developers but you’ll get a ton of use out of it.

Ultimately though… There isn’t one programming language to learn. Not one programming language will pay more than the next. It comes down to what you’re interested in. I wouldn’t learn a language that I don’t like just because the salary is slightly higher.


Hard to believe that a 59 year old lang could be in the future even more widely used.

Well, is not going to be that easy to get a job at IBM, Google, MS or Apple with assembly…?

Java is running in an emulator, which is heavy. Android is soon to be replaced with Andromeda or whatever google is planning.

Should’nt C be replaced with C# ?

In school we are learning that JScript is going to kill php.

Sooner or later getting replaced with faster and more dynamic HTML6

But you could get better trips to bahamas or Canary isles or somewhere your heart likes with the extra bit uf mone.

That’s not really what you asked. However, knowing Assembly won’t make it hard to get a job in those companies, especially if you know how to apply algorithms to solve problems.

Odd that you critique Java for being “in an emulator” but you ask that C, a procedural language that runs on memory, is going to be replaced by C#, an object oriented programming language that runs in a virtual machine (identical to Java).

Yikes, I’d ask for your money back.

I believe your original question comes with a lot of false pretense. One doesn’t get paid more or less because of the language or languages they know. They get paid for their ability to solve problems for the organization they’re in.

You may end up working for an organization that asks you to learn a new language in a few weeks for a new client project. You might end up working in multiple stacks, like I do: PHP + JavaScript, Java + Spring + JavaScript, Ruby + JavaScript, Ruby + Chef + CloudFormation, Golang + JavaScript, Python + Bash + Ruby, Flask + Python + JavaScript, and on it goes. You could work for a company that creates programming languages for specific projects, in-house tools, etc. How do you determine the language profit potential if it only exists within your team of developers? :thinking:

Any of them? Again, I don’t think you understand the question you’re asking. Pick one and move on. If you gain an interest in something else, learn that language. Don’t ever do anything for money, because then you’re going to end up poorer than anyone you know, despite what you’re bank account says.

Learn JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and NodeJS. Learn C and C++. Learn Python, Django, and Flask. Learn Java or C#, then learn the other. Learn Haskell, Erlang, or Scala. The excuses, for lack of a better word, you’re using to not learn something or dismiss something, is immature and not very realistic. I don’t mean that in attacking your character, but I mean that question has no merit in the real world. If you know C++ and apply for IBM and say "Hey, I know C++. I want $125k :wink: :wink: ", they’re going to say “LOL okay? We want someone that knows Golang and Python. And we’ll pay you $75k.”

As @reikoshea said, if you want to make money for the next 10 years, COBOL will guarantee you six figures, and you’ll have endless work because people maintaining those systems currently are going to die or retire.


my “father” was a cobol and mainframe translation coder he worked at insurance companies for years he made bank (he spent it all and crap )
blue cross blue shield and the insurance side of bank of america and the company that did Verizon employee insurance
hes like 71 now and had 2 strokes the companies call him all the time but he doesn’t work no more

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C is the language by Bjarne Stroustrup, used everywhere, compatible with whatever you want to make it run on.
C++ aims to fix some of the shortcommings of C.
C# is developed by Microsoft.

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I haven’t mentioned but should be carefully noted that I’m limited to a small bit of knowledge by my will. In short: “Reading is boring dud” or more like “I’m not quite interested in this area of work but more to use my knowledge from coding minecraft mods”

I have limited knowledge of:
Java, HTML, CSS, JS, Node/React/Apollo, Flask, Q#, Bash, JSON, Fortran 98, Python, SQL, C#, LUA, Rust, heck I even tried to make my own programming language, just because I could.

This contra xd, was like a slap in my face.

I noticed that. But maybe Assembly could be replaced with something more “smart”?

I didn’t know that, I don’t know the difference in the C langs to be honest

Did you ever give me??

True that, and many organizations do “not have so much money” or just want to cut some costs so coders need to learn alot of languages to even get a position. I’m kinda contradicting myself here.

It is not profitable because you cannot go from Org A to Org B and do the “inhouse” lang because it is “inhouse”.

A language that is valuable has a future where the code is used often, alot of job positions are available for it and many organizations are using it. Many languages need other languages for extended usage like JScript, you can’t do shit without html or css.

You should think about what your bank account says, it says alot of things. You can do good things with more than 4 digits.

You get 3 laughs from me.

Thank you, now I can tell other people about your riches of information. Check inbox.

hahaha. I don´t know jack shit. I copy paste from forums and stack overflow, and look angryly at compiler errors.

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Sounds like me when I “back in the day” coded minecraft mods :smiley:

Most of my problems are related to microcontroller (ATtiny2313, ATMega328) and some stuff for uni.

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I think @AnotherDev’s advice is probably the most relevant in my experience.

I moved up through the ranks in an odd way. My first languages (2005) were PHP and ActionScript, back when full flash websites were still the norm. I moved from that into a SysAdmin role where I picked up BASH and Perl. Then to a Fortune 500 company as a SysAdmin and picked up Python.

As I moved through the ranks there I got familiar with C#, PowerShell, Ruby and Java (Spring/Springboot). Then the industry went HARD into the cloud and single page sites, so I picked up NodeJS along with CloudFormation and Heat to automate infrastructure. Then Docker finally put the last nail in LXC’s coffin, when Kubernetes went GA, so I made myself a k8s expert.

Over the last 13 years, I ended up at that “bank” level by making myself invaluable to every company I work for, and that’s the real answer to your question. If money’s all you care about, you make it by working late, not complaining, and being the first person to volunteer AND doing a good job (doing a good job is important, otherwise people just see you as annoying with no redeeming qualities).

The above is how you make a name for yourself in the industry, how you get an offer for every job you interview for, and how you end up in a great negotiating position when it’s time to ask for a raise. The alternative is learn Cobol, and pull your hair out while making fat stacks.


This topic shouldn’t be about me or someone but about something, the programming language that would survive the longest and still be strong.

If that’s the real question you’re asking then I’d probably go with C/C++. I hope to be rid of the JDK before I retire.

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Why would you ask if you’ve got all the answers? Lol

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Java should be used like Scratch: To teach children how to code

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I do not know what you are talking about. I have few people talking about experiences with many other languages.

Python would be easier thou.

Python’s ability to let scope bleed with poorly written code, and it’s lack of common nomenclature can hurt you later in life. Java makes the transition to C++ or C# a lot easier. Don’t get me wrong, Python is my bread and butter, but I don’t think it teaches you a lot of concepts that are important in understanding exactly WHAT your code is doing, and I think that understanding is invaluable.