Problems with reinstalling Ubuntu via USB

I discovered that use of Wubi for installing Ubuntu was leading to memory issues on my laptop.

So I used Startup Disk Creator on an ancillary PC I installed the wubi version on. But this did not create a bootable USB with .iso

So when I change boot order on the laptop I am trying to get fresh OS on? It doesn’t detect anything bootable on it.

Start up disk creator seems to not do what it says it does?

Or what am I doing wrong/misunderstanding about this?

Should I use UnetBootin instead?

Unetbootin or Rufus should do the job, if not let us know

( )

EDIT: just make sure you write the image to the usb as EFI if your pc has UEFI instead of MBR, at least Rufus should default to efi mode since it has been the standard for a good while now.


I don’t know what that means ‘write image as efi’ , I hope it’s something I can easily select in Unetbootin?

I am kind of a terminal novice/Linux novice

Older machines used legacy BIOS, but for a number of years now UEFI has been the norm, and for security reasons you should prefer efi. But the mobos’ firmware still supports legacy mode but it needs to be enabled in the BIOS settings.
So if the machine is set to boot in UEFI mode, a live USB drive which is written for legacy BIOS won’t be able to boot at all.

Rufus by default (without changing settings from a drop-down menu) writes the ISO to a USB drive as efi with legacy support so you should be fine whatever your BIOS settings.
Now I haven’t used Unetbootin for efi but since I’ve only used it for legacy BIOS machines but still it also provided a working bootable thumb-drive every time I needed one so it still remains as a piece of software worth recommending.

A lot of that reads as ‘words words words’ to me.

But I am on an HP Notebook if that helps you determine my situation.

I will DL Rufus as well I guess since the words seem to indicate Unetbootin might not work either?

OK so I can’t use Rufus since it doesn’t work on Ubuntu.

I’ll try Unetbootin I guess.

I don’t have Windows

OK so maybe I am missing options menus on Unetbootin but it did not install the .iso to the usb. It did the same shit that StartUpDiskCreator did… A bunch of folders that will work not as ‘bootable image’ if I switch boot order in BIOS on my lappie

If you are using Ubuntu as the current OS then try mkusb. It has a wizard to follow and makes it easy to simply select the action type (‘live-only’ for instance), select iso, drive, and confirm. I never liked Unetbootin on any OS. USB-image-writer also works well and is a bit more simplistic. I believe both can be found in PPA’s. There is an Ubuntu community page for mkusb here -


What’s that and how do I do what you are saying I should do.

I am like a 4 year old talk to me like I don’t understand anything plz. Cause I barely do.

I followed your mkusb link. And I have no clue. I can plug things into terminal. I can CNP all day.

What I can’t do is extrapolate from your informed language what my uniformed mind needs to do step by step. Where do I DL mkusb?

I came here because I can’t understand the jargon on Ubuntu help

No worries, I’ll guide you through step-by-step in PM so the thread doesn’t get flooded and the forums spammed.
Because chat and Discord is too mainstream ;D

Just a word of warning. If you cannot comprehend the instructions in the link, your are in for a world of hurt. I hope that @Baz can help you. I recommend looking at some youtube videos, seriously so that you can visually see what is being recommended to you through words.

Now, you mentioned that you do not have Windows. Are you using a Mac?

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He’s on an Ubuntu desktop, needs to reinstall on a laptop. ATM trying to figure out why a live USB won’t boot

She is on Ubuntu and She just spent an hour in pm with a person who did everything BUT help me mount the .iso

Must have missed that in the original post. My bad.

Since she is in Ubuntu, she can just DD the image to a USB drive.

dd if=/<path_to_img_file> of=/<path_to_USB_Drive_dev> bs=512


dd if=/home/user/Downloads of=/dev/sdz1 bs=512

**Edit for wrong gender references. I must be as blind as a bat today!

@AuroraPh is it OK to post the PM posts?

It didn’t mount the image, we did do that