From the run command, you can start powershell as an administrator with this:
powershell start-process powershell -verb runas
and if you have a quick cmdlet that you would like to type, then type this
powershell -command rm c:\users\cbankord\desktop*ntd*
the powershell -command (command goes here) will quickly run the terminal emulator and close it down.
If you want to launch a google search from the terminal, memorize this line (content goes here)
then you can run many searches quickly, like
press the up arrow key and change the last part of the string. It stops you from having to switch between windows all the time.
to do a truly randomized list of all contents within an object, you can do this:
get-random -inputobject (get-content c:\users\cbankord\desktop\thingstodo.txt) -count ([int]::MaxValue])
what it's doing is randomizing whatever the input object is, the get-content is done first, since it's in parenthesis, because the command is run left to right and it has to be specified to grab the content before attempting to process it.
Then for the count it's grabbing the number of items and increasing the output objects to the list maximum.
Interfacing with the commands like this, slowly over time will help you understand how the whole thing works.
from the run command there's also taskkill, you can use to quickly kill a process.
Taskkill /im chrome.exe -f , or iexplore.exe -f, or whatever the process name is.
The first and easiest way to interact with the GUI over windows and pretty much master it, is to memorize the run commands here: