Post pictures of what you ate!

It’s not…
I expected it to be good.
It really isn’t.

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Well… I do have some dried pork belly.


i suggest cheap pork and make sausage and freeze you can skip the sausage lining stage it wont last longer then normal meat but its more accessible not needing sausage making machines.

also smoked fish but only for some species some of the fishyer flavored variants are hard to cook with once smoked the fishy flavor gets too strong

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What you’re about to eat would produce a picture of food. What you ate would produce a picture of poo, and well, good luck determining what you ate based on that. It might be a useful training set for a poo-centric AI however.

Pork and rice…


made sheppards pie added another bag of home made sausage to the leftover pot pie mix super easy mode compared to anything i have made in a long time and maybe its just me but i like this more then the pot pies i guess im just a potato guy.


This is one of my go to meals for meal prep. My wife is not big on curries though so I make her ton katsu don とんかつどん.
These varieties would be good to cover on steam.

This is one of my comfort foods. This would also be something good to cover on stream. Also shepherds pie because, I love that too. Maybe even haggis. I have a sausage maker attachment for my stand mixer. I have never added sausage to my pot pies or shepherds pies.

You are my spirit animal. I also make mine overly cheesy.

Are soups and stews common meals in your part of the world?


Uhm… There is no cheese is any of those… Unless I am misunderstanding you :rofl:
Won’t be the first time I misunderstand someone…

Panko is very rare here. I have to deal with regular bread crumbs, and is it really a katsu if it ain’t made with Panko…

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Sorry, the quotes are out of order. I will fix it.

True. But you can make it at home if you want to put the effort into it.

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Panko? Panko is made with electricity…

Very. Saucy food in general. I guess all cultures have those.
I also cook those heavily cause it’s cheap, filling and my roommate loves them while I don’t mind really. And they are pretty easy to make in general. I am also massively simplifying the recipes and skipping some steps in order to make it even easier.
But overal yes, stews and soups are pretty comon here.

PS: Also I checked the rabbit recipe. I may try it out with chicken, cause rabbit is difficult to obtain…

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Soup is a good way to use all the parts. I sometimes buy 2kg lamb with bones that I make with some veggies and water in the oven. Then I can take the bouillon and make soup of it with lentils or potato.


I am not a big fan of lamb…

I am sure that chicken will work just as well. If you ever find yourself on this side of the world, I’ll cook it for you?

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More lamb for me! :slight_smile:


Wonton Soup.


My wife is home for Valentine’s Day and want to stream us cooking. Check it out at Twitch


I caught the very end lol. Enjoy!


I joined in an hour in…
I’m waiting for pictures. They are sou vide-ing a fish, so I am curious…


She took the pictures. I will post when we are done. Thanks for hanging out with us.


Pork soup…