Post pictures of what you ate!

i would like to see pictures of food people made on this thread, also made chinese to add to the chinese already bought because of the vegetarian in the family likes spring rolls and everyone was tired of turkey

How about where then?
Thanksgiving was 70+F air 60F water, fading long period S Hemi SW swell and quite busy overall. Surplus solar and vitD for all!
The yams pots beans and dressing turkey and gravy were all fine too.


Ham and Scalloped Potatoes.


That or develop a good season layer and it will handle as well as any other non-stick.

Canada has entered the chat…


I live streamed me cooking on Wednesday and Thursday. After finishing up at about 1600 yesterday, I went to bed and did not sit down for a proper meal.

I am currently at work because I had to work a modified schedule today, where I came in at 0000. Luckily, I am only working a 6 hour day today but getting paid for 8.

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Sorry. I will remember next time, Pete. I was under pressure. My wife came home for the day and she was tired and went right to sleep. I ended up cooking everything by myself so it took much longer than originally planned.

Then she got mad when she woke up at like 1400 because I had just about cooked everything. Lawl.

It probably will not happen this Saturday since I am going to be island hopping to go see my Wife over the weekend, but I plan on doing a cooking live stream every Saturday or Sunday. These are the days that I meal prep. for the week.


I told my mom “I will be home for Christmass, don’t you dare cook anything before I arrive” :rofl:
So I get it… She just wanted both of you to share the cooking :slight_smile: It’s not really the issue that it’s done. She just wanted to share this moment with you :slight_smile:


Yeah, we like cooking, especially together. I get it, but she was so tired and if I had not started, we may have not even finished last night. She did redo/touch up a few things because I made them differently than she does, even though she begrudgingly liked my versions better. But she is a stubborn lass that is big on tradition.


Well, she is a woman…

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^Very astute observation…
She is also half Pinay and half Viking as well. All of those things just reinforce each other. I am lucky to be alive at this point. lol

I will stop cluttering this thread with non-food posts.

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Different date tho.

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Yeah, but there is still Thanksgiving in Canada. I know here in the USA, a lot of people did not know that.


Less fighting too it seems.

Edit: Hm… anyone work in health care, law enforcement, or mental health care? Around here Christmas stands out. Like a lot. People try to be happy with their families as long as they can and then something just breaks, usually involving heavy drinking and fighting. I’ve said I think the worst job I can imagine is to work emergency mental health at Christmas eve. Does the same happen around Thanksgiving in the US or is it just “normal” fighting then?

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My wife is an ER Nurse, besides Full Moons, yes, the major familial US holidays has a higher uptick in emergency room visits.


Pancakes with sausages.


Borsh attempt that turned into vegetable soup…
And some garlic bread rolls I bought yesterday…


I love Borsch. I prefer the pink kind most.


I didn’t find beetroot anywhere in the stores at Sunday.
So I used the rest. And forgot to add potatoes, so yeah… Borsh attempt…


Still looks good. It is a win in my book.

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