KVM Model:
4 Port KM switch
USB Interface (5-gigabit or 10-gigbit):
type here
Accidentally triggering ctrl+ctrl hotkeys
Other Notes:
Curious if it’s possible to disable the hotkeys, and only be able to use the buttons on the front of the KVM to switch devices. I can’t find my manual and the scanned copy I found on the forum doesn’t mention this feature.
You can change the ctrl ctrl leading code to another button if you like.
L-Shift (hold) + Num Lock + Num Lock + (release L-Shift)
Enable Num Lock as a Hotkey Leading Code
L-Ctrl + L-Ctrl + Alt (hold) + R-Ctrl + (release) Alt
Change Hotkey Leading Code from L-Ctrl to R-Ctrl
R-Ctrl + R-Ctrl + Alt (hold) + L-Ctrl + (release) Alt
Change Hotkey Leading Code Back from R-Ctrl to L-Ctrl
To disable hotkeys, just plug the keyboard into one of the blue USB ports
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Ahhh that’s actually perfect, I never use right control. Thank you!
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Welcome! Happy to help. You can find more useful info and hotkeys here:
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