Poll: KDE or GNOME

Plasma 5 was too shit up until 5.6. I have to say every new release is a big step in the right direction though. I like pretty much all their changes and new stuff. I feel like 5.8 LTS is going to be great for desktop Linux as whole.

I <3 Xfce

Between the two Gnome....It is beautiful and easy to find routine movements to speed your work. Even though nautilous is getting a bit annoying.

Generally my favorite is Cinnamon. Plus Nemo is great...

I second Cinnamon or XFCE

You can disable animations in kde plasma latest release .
I have 50% of animations sped up and the other 50% completely disabled

Gnome 3 is a festering pile of horseshit.

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KDE has slide back, which would be a great addition to cinnamon, gnome.

I prefer the minimal xfce.

I prefer KDE to vanilla Gnome, but I prefer more Gnome derivatives like XFCE and Cinnamon, so...?

I use my PC to mainly play games, read emails and stare at the pretty desktop.