Photography from the community

I shoot in RAW, I usually just tune the WB and then compress it into a Jpeg and occasionally fix/change a few things. Sometimes I go crazy with the saturation/hue. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Took this today. Posting it here. Not really because it is particularly good. But can you guess which building is the most evil?

I've just taken up photography but I ended up picking an Olympus OM2N film camera. No raw for me.



I shoot JPEG+RAW

Cuts my shot count down to around 800 or so. (32GB)  But I like having both. I like having the RAW to play with but if I just need some JPEGS quick and don't need to do any post processing it saves time. 

Just check out my Deviant Art


I love taking color IR photos.


Here is my flickr page.Feed back is weclome........

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



I got a new body! A Nikon D5300

Also out of boredom I was playing with 14-bit RAW files. I snapped these not-so-great photos just to play around with. Each file is like 23MB, crazy!

:Edit: WOW that only took 72 attempts to post. This forum makes me want to punch babies sometimes

Nice! I especially like the top one!

Was bored and had a motherboard laying around. My camera isn't impressive by any means, just a Sony DSC-W570. Your go-to compact camera. (Not web-res, sorry)


This one is not too good imho

...and more. What do you guys think about how I edited them? Feedback would be cool.

I don't think I've posted these yet..

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I like the perspective of being that close to it

Very geeky. I love it

I absolutely LOVE infrared photos, especially ones in snow

Shame there's a damn water spot on it though

Snapped some pics of my dog at the park today. I was testing out some action photography and focus was kind of an issue. Looking online it seems like I wasn't using optimal settings.

But oh well, I grabbed about 7 decent pics out of 50 lol

Dog playing at the park!

Dog playing at the park!

Dog playing at the park!

Dog playing at the park!