PewDiePie’s Anti-Semitic Videos

This is the problem with Youtube comics that traditional standup comics don’t have, and that is real-time feedback with their audience. As oppose to Youtube comics like PewDiePie where they may crack jokes but actually don’t get the same level of feedback in the internet which means they don’t improve or know where to adjust/hone the material (delivery, the right combination of words, the infliction/tone of the words, the context, etc…).

Yes, these Youtube comics do get feedback in the form of comments section, ideally, but what ends up happening is you end up filtering these comments because, for one, a big Youtuber like him won’t have time to read every single feedback, and, second, we are wired to consume content and socialize that way in the internet now (Cyberbalkanization). Michael Stevens had a great point on → this<–, he said we tend to gravitate more to people with same interest online and in consequence we don’t get to grow our ideas or challenge our views, which in PewDiePie’s case, he can never really improve his jokes because he isn’t challenged or given the proper criticism like a normal standup comic would at a bar on stage performing in front of a real crowd.

This brings us back to his Anti-Semitic jokes, I for one don’t really believe him to be a Mel Gibson type of fellow but more of a misunderstood wanna-be-internet-comedian. I’m a big fan of standup comedy and some of my favorite comics are so vulgar in their content that it makes PewDiePie look like a nun honestly, and this highlights the severe limitation of the comedy when the your craft is exclusively done on the internet.


I don't think he cares about improving, all this whole thing shows is just how the media operates, redpills all round

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He makes jokes for a living. Like any other comedian that means also sexist and racist stuff, jokes on minorities and whatever. Stupid people might not get that as a joke and Disney and Youtube collectively shit their pants because image. Now Poopeedie will say "sorry, it was a joke, but dumb people are dumb, so sorry for that" and next week everything will be normal again.


Agreed @Giulianno_D, I think they're blowing this up WAY more than it should be. People say terrible stuff on the internet EVERY DAY and no one says anthing.

Yeah, he is a guy who got famous for playing games and yelling about crazy stuff like rape and racist stuff. But like you said there are a LOT of Comedians out there who have said WORST things and they don't heat for it.

80% of the people on the internet say that stuff anyway with a wall of technology to hide behind.

I think it's also funny that if someone's racist or says something that's just slightly sensitive the Media jumps down their throats immediately. In this instance, ah, it's just companies pulling out of money making deals with him because this story is catching a little flame.

I do think it'll be hard for the guy to do stuff when he's older (say 50-60ish). People will say, "Aw hey you're that guy" and brush him aside and go on with their lives and to the next BIG thing.

And I feel bad for him as a celebrity, what's gonna happen in like 40 years when the internet has matured more than what it is now and he has to get a job or do something else to make a living. But than again I think every celebrity deals that.

I guess we'll have to see. Also, how cool will it be when we're all a lot older and we get to watch a Documentary about the start of the YouTube personalities and their effect on society sounds like a Netflix original to me....

I started watching his videos again last summer. It seems that he's trying to get away from the screaming late-teen persona, and branch off into doing stuff that he finds fun - It just happens that what he finds fun encroaches into a style of comedy, full of self deprecation and throwing badly worded insults.

A lot of the over reaction to the initial joke has come from people who aren't aware of all of the shit between Keemstar and other YouTubers. It was an obvious poke at Keemstar's general racism, but to an outside viewer, it just appears to be a random slur.

To be honest, I think that anyone who got offended by the joke needs to grow up. There is a lot of antisemitism out there, but I definitely don't think Pewdiepie is someone they should be concerned about.


Yeah, I don't like his stuff either.


Guy says things and faces consequences, more at 11.


I dont want to watch his video- YT starts suggesting rubbish on the algorithm if I make that mistake...
But what is the gist of the “joke” in question?

He's made quite appropriate videos before pointing out that the only media attention paid to him is negative, and is purely click-bait for their sites which is exactly what this is, yet again. The video is clearly a joke taken out of context and while some may choose to be offended, the vast majority won't care. It's only from sites like the WSJ and Independent writing more hit pieces on a name they know will get the views (and look, it's working) that have caused Disney to have to act in response to the outrage culture striking again. I'm not entirely sure what they're attempting to do though, as their 'separation' from pewdiepie is just a symbollic gesture - Revelmode has been separate since the beginning as far as I understand it, and simply relied upon Maker in a consulting capacity as they set things up.

Far worse things have been said on-line and it's not the first time the media (again, the Independent, as always) has painted him as fascist or sexist or whatever else. The guy's history of poor jokes stems from being a teen on the internet, at an age when we all said crass, stupid and offensive shit which was funny at the time, and may be less so now, but it's not something everyone needs to be offended by, for other people. If people choose to be offended, then so be it, but people are painting it out to be "he said death to all jews and so he's a racist" but it's just the same old shit and this isn't going to sink him or his channel. Even if it did, the guy no longer needs the extra income from YouTube's recommendation systems.



I don't really agree with the idea that things said in jest have no consequence and people offended are over-sensitive. The jokes we make that are anti-semetic, racist, sexist, etc. contribute to to a larger culture of these things that hurt real people. Jokingly saying "death to all Jews" makes it okay for some people to agree. We often become what we pretend to be.


Oh lordy. Remember the days when you could make jokes? Oooh how boring the world will be without them. This "outrage" culture is getting ridiculous, also he's a comedian and comedians push boundaries with jokes, no matter the colour/race/culture/sexuality or whatever else of the comedian.

Himself, though. He'll be fine he's got a huge following and they won't vanish at all over night.

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you made me read that in his voice. thanks.

The world is gonna be a lot more grey.

Make life funny again!


I haven't watched the video in question. Honestly, I probably wont, because I really don't care.

I'm not easily offended, however their are people and corporations out there that are, and it is their right. If a company is paying ad money to PewDiePie and he does something they see as offensive, it is their right to stop paying him in the future. They have to protect their own interests.

Are there people in the world that get offended way too easily? Absolutely.

This basically boils down to the First Amendment argument. I can basically say whatever I want, but I should be willing to accept the consequences for my free speech.

Just my .02

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I'm with Sargon of Akkad on the subject.


What was lost. Before the comedy apocalypse.
Yes this was actually on TV when I was a kid:)

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People should actually watch the video before talking shit. There's a service where you pay people and they say whatever you tell them to say in a video message in any way you ask. He did dozens of them and only 2-3 were anything remotely akin to a racist joke minus Hitler did nothing wrong. Which is a fucking ancient meme.

One was a 3rd world country guy with a sign he told to say Hitler did nothing wrong who knew exactly what it meant and said it anyways. Pewdiepie didn't plan on any of them actually going through with the crazy messages and was surprised and apologised basically the next day.

This story has been over and done with for weeks now but for some reason sjw's had to dig it back up. I guess trump was being a good boy this week and they gor bored.


Just another example of how the mainstream media has no morals, or ethics to speak of.

I say just ignore the bs, don't give those whores any consideration... Hopefully Pewds just laughs it off and continues doing what he's doing.

The smear campaign won't stop even if he behaves himself kek.

Pewds, while you may or may not like him, is fairly reasonable and a nice guy, advocating for other people regardless of the crap he gets for it. He's controversial, he's funny (well, it depends on you i guess), and the media will crap on him for as long as he is doing what he loves.

We have something called, uh... freedom of speech lel, yet people act like since he has lots of money he doesn't have the right to say whatever the hell he wants. Screw the press, screw the media, to hell with it all.

The Drug-Dealing Jew did a great video on Pewds.
Love this dude kek

you should also watch the Sargon vid if you haven't already


Youtube has a lot of very popular what i call "spazzy" youtubers. this guy, Filthy Frank, Idubbz, they've all gotten masses of fans by turning on the camera and screaming, flailing, or just generally being mental. kids love it, and will continue to flock to it. i don't think we have to be concerned with a dude who has 54 million subs. he'll be fine.

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