Pc Gaming

Sawyer I know this is a troll thread, as anything you post here is. But in my opinion I do not trust laser mice either. I feel the Zowie and Razer deathadder mice are the best optical mice out there. Buy a zowie Sawyer and stop complaining

No, but you are the only one who thinks these things are flaws. I had none of the issues you listed in the OP.

Because ignorance is bliss 

All my threads are community deemed troll threads, and ya only mice I would trust is zowie, razer, and Microsoft 

*All my threads are troll threads.

Why are people still talking to Sawyer when he clearly only wants to provoke you? 

Everyone was told to stop provoking him. If you feel he is trolling, then leave the thread. No one is forcing you to reply.

And if it IS a troll thread, he can't troll comments that aren't being posted. 

If it isn't a troll thread, there have been many answers given so far. 

"If you odn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

I'm so troll I troll my own posts

My experience is completely the opposite.

I NEVER had ANY KIND of console in my life. When rarely got a "Console occasion" with a friend or family; Sure, I had fun! ....but it felt that thing was made for children.

(I am so sorry that sounds offensive for console gamers. Its just that.. well I just don't understand it)

Yeah no controllers do not take more skill, they are very easy to use and that's why I prefer themit mouse and keyboard is alot harder period, this is coming from a person who was a console gamer and then went to pc and even though I've been using a keyboard and mouse for 10 months I'm still not that good at it.

let's back up for a moment here. You're complaining about how hard it is to move from console controls to pc controls because there are people out there vastly better than you, then you say that it 'takes more skill to use a controller'? Isn't that a bit contradictory?

consoles have always been lacking performance wise compared to pc, and always will. Which makes most people, including myself why play anything on console. Personally I would only own a pc and nintendo console 

I find it funny how everyone knows this guy is a negative troll most of the time. As soon as he makes a thread tons of people come and comment on it. You all know what he is going to say, so why give in?

Also better have the right cl_timenuge settings -_-

Controllers do not take more skill, they take far less skill because consoles all use auto aim for fps games.



honestly I can't remember having any of those problem when I got in to pc gaming. Granted I was like 3 so I didn't know any better back then ether. 

Ooooooor, plot twist, just get good at the PC game you're playing. No need for a specific mouse or acceleration fixes. I never needed that.

Bahahaha! What an amazing new concept!

I play counter strike headshots r very important for me