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Hmm well they do have a security gateway. Do you nat everything behind it and use it as the primary firewall or some other solution

Unifi security gateway is a different ecosystem. I typically use a single-router Edgemax network, with a unifi AP and sometimes an OPNsense device as an additional layer at the edge for IDS and geoblocking.

I use l2tp/IPSec for transport vpn and openvpn for site-to-site tunnels.

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isnt that the highend dutchy version of pfsense or are they completely separate. Im familiar with pfsense just not opnsense

Curious why not just unify under openvpn?

Easier to use l2tp/IPSec in macOS which is what my people are using.

Also, for redundancy. If openvpn is my only avenue for logging into a remote site, it becomes very difficult to change the openvpn config because the risk of getting locked out would be very high.

Also, OPNsense is a fork of pfsense. Itā€™s a little more hardened and less feature-rich. It can use libressl which is what initially caught my attention.


got yaā€¦ well thats interestingā€¦ whats the benefit of libressl?

1 Like

That was very informative. He talked so slow I ran it at 2.5x


Thatā€™s pretty old, but they have various updates over the years on YT if you want to see how itā€™s progressed. Itā€™s a great example of the catastrophic consequences of poorly maintained code and a toxic level of legacy compatibility. While it would be very difficult to implement libressl everywhere (since itā€™s not really an option in Linux), I think it makes a lot of sense for reverse proxy or other instances where you can consolidate certificate workload onto a BSD server.

I havenā€™t actually implemented that yet other than just configuring opnsense to use libre, but itā€™s on the to-do list.

Lol. Unfriended



I wonder how I get it to email me when something serious happensā€¦

(Suricata on OPNsense in a transparent filtering bridge configuration).

This is dumb.

# uncomp

[ -f "$1" ] &&

{ # gunzip
  gzip --quiet --uncompress --stdout -- "$1" 2>/dev/null ||

  # unzip
  unzip -qq -p -- "$1" 2>/dev/null ||

  # lzip
  lzip --decompress --stdout -- "$1" 2>/dev/null ||

  # xz
  xz --decompress --stdout -- "$1" 2>/dev/null ||

  # bunzip
  bzip2 --decompress --stdout -- "$1" 2>/dev/null ||

  # tar (gzip)
  tar --extract --gzip --to-stdout -- "$1" 2>/dev/null ||

  # tar (bzip2)
  tar --extract --bzip2 --to-stdout -- "$1" 2>/dev/null ||

  # tar (xz)
  tar --extract --xz --to-stdout -- "$1" 2>/dev/null
} ||

return 1

return 0

Whereā€™d you get that script?

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Iā€™m trying to write a universal uncompress script. I just thought it was silly how many there are.

Quickly realized stdout isnā€™t going to work for directories.

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So soon after I updated a FreeNAS box to 11.2u5, I got this alert:

Checking status of zfs pools:
freenas-boot  59.5G  4.46G  55.0G        -         -      -     7%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
jbod1         43.5T  34.0T  9.52T        -         -    11%    78%  1.00x  ONLINE  /mnt

  pool: freenas-boot
 state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error.  An
        attempt was made to correct the error.  Applications are unaffected.
action: Determine if the device needs to be replaced, and clear the errors
        using 'zpool clear' or replace the device with 'zpool replace'.
   see: http://illumos.org/msg/ZFS-8000-9P
  scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0 days 00:00:36 with 0 errors on Thu Jun 27 03:45:36 2019

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        freenas-boot  ONLINE       0     0     0
          da0p2     ONLINE       0     0     1

errors: No known data errors

-- End of daily output --

Everything seems fineā€¦ itā€™s just a single disk with the OS on it. Iā€™ll have to dig and try to see if I can get a better record of what actually happened. No notifications from SMART.

One checksum error on da0p2 could be something as simple as a loose cable or a bit flipped in ram or a firmware bug. Seems to have not been too important whatever the data was, but this is why itā€™s a good idea to have redundancy. Boot drives are cheap.

1 Like

Itā€™s an x9 gen supermicro board, so only one satadom port unfortunately.

Is there any way to see what data was specifically effected and trace it to a specific file?

Might be able to dig something up with zdb but normally it would have shown you in zpool status if a file or other critical object were affected.

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I wonder what will come first, CentOS 8 release or my new Model F keyboardā€¦

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Working on automating onboarding processes. One hurdle is automatic credential generation. My clients use 1Password which has a cli utility. Here is how to add a login:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# usage: add_login user password fqdn vault

declare -r username=$1
declare -r password=$2
declare -r domain_name=$3
declare -r vault=$4

declare -r template_json="$( op get template login )"

declare -r user_json="$( echo "${template_json}" |
  jq '.fields[] | select(.designation=="username").value = "'"${username}"'" | select(.designation=="username")' --compact-output )"

declare -r password_json="$( echo "${template_json}" |
  jq '.fields[] | select(.designation=="password").value = "'"${password}"'" | select(.designation=="password")' --compact-output )"

declare -r item_json="$( echo "${template_json}" |
  jq '.fields = '"[${user_json},${password_json}]" )"

declare -r item_encoded="$( echo "${item_json}" |
  op encode )"

op create item Login "${item_encoded}" \
  --title="${domain_name}" \
  --url="${domain_name}" \

Never used the jq command before. Feels pretty awkward, but still decent when it comes to parsing data serialization formats in bash.

Additionally, I am working on some expect scripts for onboarding Ubiquiti Edgemax equipment. Here is the script for enabling SSH on an Edgeswitch via telnet (ssh is default now, but many that you buy come with older firmware that only have telnet and http out of the box).

#!/usr/bin/env expect

set timeout 4

set host [lindex $argv 0]
set user ubnt
set password ubnt

spawn telnet "$host"
expect {
  "'^]'." {
    sleep .5;
    expect "User:"
    send "$user\r"
    expect "Password:"
    send "$password\r";
    expect " >"
    send "enable\r"
    expect " #"
    send "configure\r"
    expect "(Config)#"
    send "crypto key generate rsa\r"
    expect "N] :" {
      send "y\r"
    expect "(Config)#"
    send "crypto key generate dsa\r"
    expect "N] :" {
      send "y\r"
    expect "(Config)#"
    send "exit\r"
    expect " #"
    send "ip ssh protocol 2\r"
    expect " #"
    send "ip ssh server enable\r"
    expect " #"
    send "sshcon maxsessions 2\r"
    expect " #"
    send "sshcon timeout 5\r"
    expect " #"
    send "write memory\r"
    expect "(y/n)"
    send "y\r"
    expect " #"
    send "reload\r"
    expect "(y/n)"
    send "y\r"
    send \033
    expect "telnet>"
    send "quit"

  "Connection" {
    sleep 1
    exit 1

  timeout {
    exit 1


exit 0

Configuring Synology to FreeNAS backup wasnā€™t as easy as it should have been, but I was able to get it to work. In my case, this is going over 10GbE on a secure subnet, so I am opting to use an rsync module instead of ssh.


Control Panel > File Services > rsync




1. Create a user account with the same name as the rsync account on the Synology

2. Create a file that contains the rsync password somewhere on the FreeNAS (rsync userā€™s home folder is a good choice"

3. Set the rsync user as the owner of the password file and change permissions to 600

4. Create an rsync task. The fields are as follows:

  • Path: Wherever you want to backup to in FreeNAS

  • User: Select the rsync user you just created

  • Remote Host: IP or fqdn of the Synology

  • Rsync Mode: Rsync module

  • Remote Module Name: The name of the shared folder on the Synology

  • Direction: Pull

  • Check whichever rsync options you want to use.

  • Extra options: --password-file=PATH_TO_PASSWORD_FILE --exclude \@* --exclude \#*

Basically, the tricky things are:

  • No way I found to have Synology push to an rsync module on FreeNAS
  • Have to use a password which requires the --pasword-file parameter
  • Synology automatically creates a module for every share when you enable rsync

Looks like the Hyper Backup package might be a more straightforward way to do this, but I guess itā€™s nice to know how to do it with stock Synology.