On linux, ubuntu 16.04 how do i change desktop environment

are those the exact commands to put into the terminal?


What should be my next move

Went to sleep. Did you get it working? If not do you know which mount is the windows drive you want to recover? sda or sdc?

yea i got grub fixed as in i can see the windows 8 option but a problem still exists


I'm going to sleep but post your grub configuration file. You'll need to edit it.

its most likely windows safe boot. Its an angry child that can not play with others. Its windows or a fall to the floor and scream.

I have windows / linux / bsd and random shit like nextos and I just boot to bios and pick a drive.... done.

@tsuser1729 http://paste2.org/BmIKI1p0

@Marten yeah noticed that haha