[Official] 2021 L1 Devember Minecraft Server! Vanilla Survival + Build Contest

letsencrypt is what i did and nginx.
there is a script i used. let me look it up.

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Thanks. Haven’t looked too much into it, I know how LE works, so that might be the best way forward.

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had a feeling no HTTPS would have high visibility. Web Browsers are complete nazis about it these days… alert you every way they can

The Cloudflare cert serving this forum should also work for the dynmap site, since it’s a wildcard cert for *.level1techs.com, and that would probably be far easier than dealing with Lets Encrypt and certbot.

I built this area down here before I realized players couldn’t access this area easily lol. Wondered if anyone would see it.

Thank you so much for this. It is really helpful! Unfortunately it says login failed when I try to login. Do I use my level1 info or minecraft info?

You use whatever you signed up with on mc21.level1techs.com.

Instead of using level1techs password or minecraft password. Use a different one altogether. Set your password the the password prompt and verify it.

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oh lord, I really need to get that SSL up, huh?

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Ok guys idiot here in need of help.

Will it not work in single player or am I missing something. Im in Java and on 1.17.1


Which server are you on?

The server from last year doesn’t have dynmap.

I was on my single player world since I’m not part of a multi-player world.

No it only works on the server the dynmap is for. So the mc21.level1techs.com dynmap is for the level1techs server. The credentials are stored on the l1t server, not local to you.

Sever down? – never mind. just had to refresh a few times. must be an issue on my end

I am having this same problem, cant get into the server without registering cant register without being in the server?

You connect to the server with the same address as the dynmap. Once you are online, ingame, you can issue the command.


We’ve encountered some users attempting to evade AFK kicks. AFK kicks have not been implemented to punish users, but to prevent some users from getting an unfair advantage over others in the competition and reduce server load, because users typically AFK in their base or near a farm.

Your user will automatically go AFK after 5 minutes. 15 minutes later you will be kicked. This is enough time for people to handle something short if it comes up, but also prevents people from leaving their accounts logged in 24/7.

We have issued warnings to users we’ve caught attempting to evade the kick mechanic.


Was trying to get back to spawn last night an assumed this was the spawn portal, which it is, but because of the way it is set up it is only one way. I have marked it for future travelers not to get stranded, :slight_smile:

I was wondering if it is safe to remove this portal, or if it is needed for the hub to work?


Don’t worry, I will


You can get rid of it.

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anyone using this snow capped mountain to the left of spawn?

thinking about using it

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