[Official] 2021 L1 Devember Minecraft Server! Vanilla Survival + Build Contest

@PhaseLockedLoop can you check the map server, it’s giving me an mc21.level1techs.com refused to connect error

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Not at the moment im out right now sorry. Its the weekend, brewery with ladies and friends. Ill check when I return late tonight or @SgtAwesomesauce will get to it

Lol no he won’t, he’s out for the weekend.


:joy: shit

Okay when I get home.


Actually it might wait until tomorrow. The map isn’t essential for game play and tonight just got a whole lot gunner/longer

I’ll look into it on Sunday man. Its probably that retarded plugin crashing not so gracefully as usual

it didnt come back up when i restarted everything. Guess you are waiting on @SgtAwesomesauce for this one. I did not set up this stuff. I dont want to change anything he has setup without his permission

Might have a minute today if I can get my laptop tethered, but I’ve been phone only since Friday. Camping.

@PhaseLockedLoop if you ssh tunnel 8123 to your local machine you can confirm if its the proxy or the server itself.

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Too much dark ale last night

Gonna need a few more hours before the brain starts functioning. :joy:. But I’ll look later

I would lean towards dynmap crashing but it output nothing of any concern when I restarted the server last night.

So maybe it’s the proxy but I still have my doubts because proxies don’t break unless you modify them

This has happened before on this one.

Rip alright then.

Hello, @PhaseLockedLoop would you have some time for settings change? Thank you!


Reboot in 5 minutes


Now “Free Rockets” at spawn roof near “Free Totems of undying” :smiley:


Azalea based wood farm has free oak logs and sticks if anyone needs them.

-254 219 -1055 (south east from spawn building, in the sky)

*Only issue haven’t done water elevator yet, you can get to it via scaffolding then doing /spawn to get back to spawn, but you know elevator is in plans.

P.S. have done a small road from spawn water elevator to facilitate travel :slight_smile:


Just saying thanks for hosting this again, always cool to see the builds and farms.


Gods guys… I just logged in to look around a bit and got absolutely flooded with items/help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Awesome to see what you’ve built, but a bit overwhelming :sweat_smile:


There was some discussion in the L1 discord about a critical 0-day vulnerability found in one of the underlying components of Minecraft that have recently been addressed by Mojang:

The issue is caused by the logging framework that Minecraft uses called log4j, and this CVE was issued yesterday for it:

If you use the official game launcher, all you have to do is just make sure you completely close out of the game and re-launch it. Mojang has pushed updates out to the clients and you’ll download the patch when you start up the game.

I’ve confirmed this also works with the MultiMC launcher that many of us use also - the underlying library for log4j (located relative to the MultiMC installation directory) at multimc/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-core got the new 2.15.0 version downloaded when I restarted the game. MultiMC did push out an unrelated update a couple days ago that overhauls the Java runtime execution that I’d strongly recommend you upgrade to if you use that launcher.

As far as the server goes, I don’t think Mojang has patched it yet but they have posted a workaround for now with a config change: -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true. The Docker image that I personally use for self-hosting this has also been patched in the last few hours to provide this config also:

I’d strongly encourage @PhaseLockedLoop and/or @SgtAwesomesauce to make sure the server has that config set ASAP until Mojang actually patches the server jars with an upgraded log4j library.

Literally just implemented the mitigation. Thanks for the detailed report.

Servers have been rebooted 5 minutes ago.


Are there plans to update the server to 1.18?

@kreestuh just had time to watch the VOD. Been busy moving internationally. No progress happened on the build in the past few weeks as a result but I plan to continue if I can.
Yes Count’s my cat. Here’s his picture, I have plenty more but this probably isn’t the best thread. (Plan to add Toast, Crouton, Roo and maybe “mom’s cat” too in new houses)