On my Linux Machine with an ubuntu Gnome (not sure if version 15 or 16) I have selected proprietary drivers to try and play some games. Technically I should have known that it was a mistake, because now there is nothing going on anymore after the OS loads, when I boot the PC.
I tried to get into the recovery mode to purge fglx (or what the name is), but I could not get that far.
Unsure what to do next I ask here.
I do have different GPUs from both AMD and NVIDA, but I am afraid that stuff will break even worse, should I change the GPU. I also have an other PC with similar specs I could use to acces the Drive in Windows - should Windows be ablte to read this.
Where should I start with the repars? Is it possible to recover from this without a full reinstall?
Thanks already
fglrx is outdated. For AMD the current open source drivers are generally faster and cause less issues. If you want to go proprietary give AMDGPU-PRO a try.
As far as I remember, I had reinstalled it a couple times because I juast had nothing on screen (wothout the writing). This time (I only tried once, but I can try again tomorrow if that helps) it tells me that the swap partition could not be mounted and as I pressed skip, it would freeze.
In the recovery mode I get a windows asking me something and I could not recall exactle what…
Maybe I’ll take pictures of it - that might help… @pFtpr thank you for that input, I shall not mess with the setting again.
Again: thank you both.
I will do that, PC specs are:
AMD FX 8150
ASUS Sabertooth 990FX
4x4 GB Corsair Value RAM DDR3 1333MHz
Sapphier HD 7970
err… optical drives.
WD green 2TB
Guess that’s all that’s relevant.
Also if possible give us a link to the site you used as info on installing drivers if you did use one.
Broken swap is fixable but i don’t think it’s the real problem.
Okay so you have access to the GRUB because you said you were able to go to recovery. After that Ubuntu loads with its loading screen, and then you see black screen. Am I correct ?
Almost, it also crashes after going to the recovery mode.
Maybe there is an option I did not consider. I’ll give you more details when I have the pictures.
Thank you again for so many thoughts.
Ok I will also ask you whenever you have the chance to take the pictures also to boot to the black screen and press ctrl+alt+F1 ( or any F till 6 i believe but go with 1 or 2 to be sure ) and take a picture if anything appears like text or something.
Also is ubuntu the main OS on your computer or you do Dual booting ?
I have rescheduled the testing for tomorrow, because I worked 12h today.
Thank you for your patience.
P.S. Ubuntu is the only OS on the HDD, I do have an unplugged SSD with a windows, but that doesn’t interfere.
A lot of the time the open source drivers from that is being listed right out of the box are outdated, if you are still getting a black screen i would purge the drivers you have and follow these steps. just replace Nvidia with AMD.
So, I went through the branch of options today. As usual I found the option to drop to command line.
However I decided to put the pictures up anyway and ask if the drivers seem the right way to go.
I started with a normal boot, that lead to this screen. Interstingly the Swap (extension of RAM if I am not mistaken) seems broken. Pressing eighter key will result in a whole lot of nothing (the dot stopps moving).
After That I went into recovery mode.
Again a whole lot of nothing after that.
I also tried the Option with the ctrl + alt + F2 to F6 and got a command line-ish thing (a black screen with a blinking cursor that does not seem to move on).
In conclusion: I am a little scared to just go in and do the FGLX thing (seeng that there still is a complaint about the swap partiton) - do you think it is the right way to start?
Thank you again for helping me.
P.S. For whatever reason there is also a Windows 7 on the list of OSes on boot. However it only crashes - I am unsure where that data would be because I made one partition for Linux and a Swap partition and nothing else.