Next LanSyndicate Ideas/Brainstorming

YES. YES. YES. This would be so fun if we got like 50+ on board

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Bring me damn it, we could take turns driving

Wall O CRT's

Having some DIY workshops would be nice. Individuals or groups could help or host one?

Like having a time period where someone/a group hosts a build your own mechanical keyboard from scratch. This could be a cool micro event where people learn/watch the process of building a mechanical keyboard from scratch. It could even be sold/used as a giveaway/prize.

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thats the plan

but you come to my house tho, dont feel like driving 3 hours in wrong direction

and maybe if @HEXcellerate can perform magic and get his dad to let him go that'd be great

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Here are some of the fps rules

The MACC limits all weapons: gas, spring, and electric, to 350FPS with 0.20g projectiles in order to fire indoors and 400FPS for outdoor ONLY.

Special class:
DMR 450FPS semi only AEG.*
Sniper 500FPS bolt action only
***SPECIAL NOTE! No weapon firing over 350 FPS is allowed in close quarters: huts, shacks, castle, rooms, tanks, etc. Players with weapons firing less than 350 FPS are required to aim for center mass in CQB situations.

While inside buildings, players are required to shoot semi-auto. Snipers and SAW gunners are allowed to shoot FROM a building to an adjacent, but NOT INSIDE the building(CQB).

Talked to him sometime last week. I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think I got him to lay off on his overprotectiveness.

I may be in Cincinnati by then anyway, so maybe I could go without him knowing at all.

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thats how most of old town centers look like in central europe. (They are most prominent in Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czech,(Germany) Bavaria,(Germany) Saxony, and Denmark) most of old cities have them.

This was not Warsaw old town center

This is how Warsaw town center looks like

after ww2

Pre ww2

main entrance

Dad wont let you go?! Just tell him that the Lounge will be your chaperone. What could go wrong? :D


I'm planning to pack quite light for the next event since I'll likely be flying this time. Hoping to finish my NES build and possibly snag one of those portable monitors like the one that Kyle brought. TBH I spent only about 3 hours actually playing games and had tons of fun just hanging out with folks.

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How about a game jam? I would love to see what the community comes up with, and if I make it out might participate.

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I'm planning on buying a Vive , would it be possible to set up a mini cardboard room where people could demo one? We could have monitors streaming what they are seeing on the outside.

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I'll definitely be bringing my Rift and HOTaS so people can experience how games like EVE: Valkyrie and Elite are meant to be played.


A hacky sack group competition like the banana one could be fun too