New Zen leaks?

the Fuck ?

my i5-2500k was doing 5ghz on AIR

amd's ipc has always been shit
id expect it to be like ivybridge grade ipc honestly

Rumors suck. I will wait for cold hard silicon that's on sale and then make my mind up. AMDGPU has already burnt me on linux....

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Oh don't worry guys performance will probably be on par, the price will be a little bit lower than Intel's equivalent chips ( they have to make money ).

But in power consumption there is no change so we will see hot chips for sure. However that is actually not the interesting part of the Zen chips.

The most interesting parts of the new architecture are the new technologies that they have to use in order to improve their performance. Really interested to see how the new cache system is working, how good is the HT and many more. The only thing I am not sure about is their decision for SoC ... But if you ask me the most fun will be for the second generation.

actually in the blender render amd was using less power than intel(the 8 core is 95w tdp intel being 140w)

Are you sure about that ? Maybe I've missed this piece of information but I'm pretty sure that they will be with higher power consumption ...

was probly gimped

think was confirmed in the video used slightly less power than intels but the intel one was underclocked so that doesnt help amd there. but yea its been confirmed 95w tdp, so would be like the apus, or the 8370e or whatever where the clock speed was much lower for the baseclock than the 8370 which was 125w but 2011 is majorly power hungry also been 130~140w tdp whole time basically and if you oc bunch goes up to, like 250-300w


etc lol 2011 and o.c.= hotter than sin

Well we will find out soon :)

hopefully, but with 2011 being so high even if the power draw increased by like 20-33% some amount would still be comparable(at oc vs oc)

but no way of knowing since new arch/ the silicon is radically different being 14lpp or whatever it is vs glofo's 32soi

Rumor intensifies. A prop from the lounge,

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I just don't beleve Zen will be more power efficient than broadwell-e. Intel has best node on planet, even if Keller did some magic with Zen cores efficency intel has that node advantage...

95w for 8c16t part must be false info, TDP is anyways marketing

AMD told pcper at blender presentation "comparable power consumption to broadwell-e" = so it basically mean it will be behind :D

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Ah, okay, I forgot about the 4C/8T, I was thinking 4C/4T, I hope they have a fairly cheap option for a 4C/4T ($100-150)

AMD's IPC has been shit because of their decision from Bulldozer and now that AMD has adopted Intel's SMT model, we may see Haswell or even Broadwell IPC (Skylake and Kaby Lake is debatable).

Considering that Intel has done nothing to improve power consumption outside of their bleeding edge hardware (which isn't even saying much), AMD can overtake Intel on it.

dunno all the slides and stuff have always said 95 but no way of knowing til the lineup is confirmed. but considering the multiple 8xxx sku being 95w definitely possible they would want consider pushing 95w just depends on the clocking/turbo

dunno the node doesnt fix other issues, like the i5s get destroyed by i7s in perf/watt cause its just a garbage configuration. but dunno the xeon lineup that well but would assume if the chip isnt the most expensive sku for that die configuration logically it probably wont be the highest bin

dont think they have plans of making a chip without the smt, as even the slides were showing raven ridge to have 4c/8t, but i'd guess the apus to be similar cost to the current apus which are 90-150$ mostly. but have no idea since the pricing thing was just a shady style leak. for the non apu one still dont know either lol, since no way of knowing for sure if they will have designed a die only using a single ccx instead of just using the same die like they would be for the 6core and just fuse the unused parts off

83xx cores can't be used in comparison. Most similar cpu will be 8 core + HT form intel, and they are 140w. So I'm conviced that 95w is pure bullshit. I don't think 95w was ever mentioned in official slide from AMD for 8 core anyways...

Also there is no way Zen apu (raven ridge) will cost 90-150$, it will be more expensive than 4c/8t zen cpu because it will have igpu like RX 460 if hbm is used.

but theres also a double node shrink they could have a 16570 16 core 16mb l2 16mbl3 quad channel memory in roughly the same size die. basically its not a 2011 chip, so it wont have quad channel or 35mb of cache which will lower the cost significantly and give them some tdp allowance.

and dunno, if they strip the cache like they did for the previous apus could make the production silicon cost lower than the 8 or 6 cores, but say i looked up for a die shot of the 4300 i couldnt find any besides this

which is just the 8xxx/6xxx so if they produce them this way, the 4xxx costs the same in wafer cost anways to produce as the 8/6xxx just they are the most garbage dies, and the apus would basically just be taking out the right 2 modules and the l3 cache which is about the size of 2 more modules and replace the l3 spot with gpu and pull the edge io stuff in and get a 20~30% reduction in silicon cost

no idea if raven has l3 or not, dunno about hmb either would assume not but idk. would assume those would be the ones they would take the hit on more since it would be replacing their current budget lines basically, just taking lower margins to try to hit a price point, pretty much how it always works as far as i know lol.(that the margins grow as the cost/performance tier goes up) but maybe thats just me but seems dumb to entirely abandon the budget market which is the only place most people consider them even remotely relevant

AMD's Zen Rumored for January 17th Launch; 8 Cores With 16 Threads for $300

Now check this out (source):

This time, MAXSUN, an AMD China partner (poised to provide customers with AM4 platform motherboards) is the source of the proverbial leak, with information that, if true, is sure to stir the pot of bubbling Zen excitement even more.

Opening post

Where's smoke there's fire...

Also great article:

How AMD's powerful Zen chip flouts the SoC stereotype

Supports only Windose 10. Do they have no shame?

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