This one I won't argue with. Skyrim without the USP and DLC patches can be pretty rough even now.
Hype is the first step on the path to disappointment.
Definitely, BUT.... It is hard to not be excited about a new Fallout game haha!
If it is as a good game as New Vegas, I will be a very happy camper :)
Fallout 3 was kinda meh, I had fun playing it, but the real game for me was New Vegas. Much deeper an better game. Hardcore mode bro!
So it's counting down, looks like in about 21 days we'll know..... Fallout has always been one of my favorite gaming franchises, now if it'll run on Linux?
hmmm just maybe DX12?
i'm like 70% positive its going to be online game, and always online requirement...
That is interesting, I'm the total opposite. Loved Fallout 3, but New Vegas was ok. I do want to replay Vegas though
I bet this is just an experiment to see how long people will watch a stream of a stand by screen.
Just finished New Vegas a few weeks ago with a couple of mods (max enemy spawn rates, max companions, and higher levels.) So hyped to play a new Fallout, getting bored, and murdering an extremely hostile wasteland with my band of blood thirsty killers., just no.
My personal hopes for the game:
- No "always online" requirements
- Run decently
- Mod support
- hardcore mode
- More dense of a map, don't make it huge if it's 50% empty (looking at you new vegas)
- Lots of endgame content
- More weapon customization (like NV but more)
- More armors, like skyrim (gloves, head, chest, pants, shoes, ect)
- Companions that aren't retarded
I had heard through a friend who has a friend who lives near DC who also happens to work at a certain game company near DC, was playing a test build of what was an Apocalyptic FPS survival game set in an area in Mass that may or may not have been called "The Commonwealth".
I heard this about 6 months ago. Seems he was not lying X D
Personally I think 3 and NV were better than the originals. But that's mainly because I played 3 and NV first, and don't like ISO view games.
I've been waiting for this for so so so long
Really they are completely different games because of that. Its just set in the same universe
I think I'm going to have to go and play a little bit of fallout three and new vegas before the launch, also on a seperate note, a game dev a few years ago said that its not going to be in the Mojave anymore, it was leaked to be in Boston
Yeah i think that most people that have played the previous games are very excited for the new game to be anounced.