It would actually be nice for the Tek to be 1440p. Since this community is already pretty much the champions of cheap 1440p monitors. Understandable if its still 1080p, since MOAR PIXELS == MOAR RENDERING GG
I feel Japan is a better place to be (since Computex is in Taiwan). It's alot more quirky and has a rich culture that never ceases to amaze me (and yet I've been there countless times). It's also a good time to be traveling in Japan because the exchange rate is finally over 100 again yay~
Logan, if you don't mind me asking, could you mention when you'll be hitting Germany? I want to show up and say hi, just need to know when as I'd like to avoid stressing over my Uni schedule. Cheers.
I think that there's a general consensus in the comments here that you should keep the Tek at it's current length. Yeah, there are probably plenty of people that would enjoy a shortened version, but a lot of your the members here on the forum seem to prefer the longer episodes (and I know my friends and I (who I convinced to watch the show (and who subsequently became addicted))) and would hate to see them shortened.
My goals are
- to finally get my high school certificate and move on.
- Leave the drerry northern Netherlands and the small town I live in.
- to get take my further education seriously
- learn to code ( master C ++ within a year maybe )
- read more literature, can anyone recommend any good books? No WWII novels, I am sick and tired of those. My favorite authours are Chinua Achebe, Erasmus, Aldous Huxely. (this may help with a recommendation)
- read more philosophy, especially political philosophy.
- keep my job...
- save my money and not blow it all, on technology I currently do not need...
- finish the song I have been working on for my gf.
- play more trumpet and guitar. Learn the scales more and record an album for my father with his favorite songs!
do you mind me asking you which books you bought? I hope you become lord of the dance, a tip ask a nice lady/gentleman for help. It worked for me, that is how I managed to get the girl I liked to spend more alone time with me and fell in love!
i would love to see more spontaneous content and possibly some raw content
maybe have a select group of people from the website help edit your coverage of events so there isn't so much of a bottle neck and a more rested tek crew is a happy crew
possibly having a Qain editing crew to help as well - i quite enjoy the tinfoil hat content
just my $0.02
my 2014 plans and hopes are
graduate HS
finish my gaming pc
host or attend 5 or more LAN parties
drop 50 lb
join tek syndicate crew
come up with some kind of crazy invention to become rich or at least famous
Hey Logan, regarding Switzerland, did you see this?:
Let's do it!
As far as hardware. I need to upgrade my computer so that I can do more extensive tasks. I already have my processor a Xeon. And just waiting for the mother board. I also need to find a good cheap webcam for streaming and a camera. Mine is getting too old.
I want to try to be kinder to people in general. I have been anti social. And maybe even a little mean. I don't really keep up with movies or tv shows. I really could not tell you what movies are playing now. And things like this or some dumb actor. I just don't care about any of that so it can be hard to find a middle road some times.
I want to learn more about Video and Audio editing. And just more on computer use in general. These things are important to me as this as become a major outlet for me when I'm off from work.
I want to start a transition this year of cooking more good organic foods. Being in shape is important to me and my job. This fast food crap will kill me. So I need to find the time and balance for better dining in my life.
And finally. I'm almost a PC gamer only. I find no practical use for consoles. I play a lot of games and it just costs more now for less on consoles. I have one last console to get rid of. A PS Vita then I'm out. The only stuff that will be left is collector stuff like my NES.
YES! I totally want to see videos of Japan and China.
Every one needs to go to the Robot Bar at some point in there life.
Co-sign with those above who said they like the longer episodes of The Tek.
I believe(especially after Logan mentioning the time required to edit these ~hour long Tek episodes) it's fine with shorter ones, considering they'll be able to post more stuff. I mean isn't that the idea, keeping things nice and fun for both us the viewers and the people that are providing the content? Thus having clips that don't get uploaded because the content ends up invalid by the time it gets edited can be avoided altogether.
Academic: Stop fucking around in school and focus on my classes. My parents do not have any money to put me through college so I need to start working towards scholarships.
Musical: (personal) I need to give my guitars more love, like I used to a year or so ago. I would also like to refine my piano skills and try my hand at a few more vocal styles
Technological: I need to balance my life more, I spend too much time on the computer as opposed to doing something social/outside with my friends. At the same time I would like to spend less time on YouTube and actually game more often
Physical: Lose another 5-10lbs or put on some more muscle. I would like to hit the gym as frequently as my schedule will allow. I want to reduce my mile times another 30 seconds to around 6:30 which will be assisted after loosing weight. I want to hiking more, I live by many beautiful places and I don't go to them enough. I'm lucky if I can get out to one once every 2 months. Instead of walking home 2.5 miles everyday I would like to jog home at least twice a week.
Social: I need to get off my ass stop ooooing and awwwwing at girls and go interact with women more. I need to stop living in the past and embrace the future.
Misc.: I need to be ready to get my learner's permit in four months to take some strain off my parents shoulders and be ready to drive in October. I want to start another band, but a band that limits themselves at all musicalicaly. Like on day jamming out to some alt stuff or incubus/karnivool esque stuff, the next sat down messing around with ukes, mandos, and bongos.
I agree; when I load The Tek up and see that it is under 50 minutes or so, I feel sad, very sad. I suppose if it means that you can produce several more videos, it would be a reasonable trade off. No matter what, just continue to crank out content. I love being able to come home from school/work and watch something from Tek Syndicate. If you can, get an editor as soon as you can. I feel like the more time you have, the less stress you will have. The less stress, the better the Logan. I think producing more videos will create an even better community. Keep going, you are doing great. Thanks.
your point is invalid bullshit. there is no upload limit on youtube there is nothing invalid on the tek and with more editing they wont be able to produce more content.
I'm with you. It would be great if they didn't shorten the Tek, but if it becomes tedious and they could be creating more content. Do you not want other material? I also have an idea that maybe like a once a month a round table talk with Wendell, Logan, Qain (and possibly Pistol if she wants to join in) being a Tek/Inbox/Current events type thing just a sit down with coffee and/or beer just discussing full of banter with minimal editing and no minimum or maximum limit. Personally I would look forward to that every month
2014 seems to be the same as 2013 for me, another number on the wall, same rules apply, exercise, eat right, try to keep my sanity, help parents out. Financially, getting older seems to mean that it's getting tougher to get a normal job, so making due with working for parents, with whatever they need. At least I'm medicated finally.
I meant it as editing taking too long to be done in time for it to be valid, sure parts reviews and build logs are an exception but I wasn't talking about that. Mainly meant it as: if Logan has it easier with grabbing stuff from the tek and uploading it separately(if the content can stand on it's own) then I don't mind.