Most Likely to Survive the Apocalypse?

Wendell, Krista, or Ryan?
  • Wendell
  • Krista
  • Ryan

0 voters

Tell me why in the replies xD


I think Krista would be growing a great garden to keep alive. Food = good.
Ryan would be loaded up on guns and ammo ready for survival. Not getting killed = good
I think Wendell would be repurposing and innovating technology-related survival for the apocalypse. He’s a jack of all trades that would defintiely play an important role. Making things work with what you have = good.

All important! But who is most likely to survive?


Krista would bug out for the woods, and be self-sufficient.

People would have a vested interest in keeping Wendell alive since he could help rebuild civilization, so I’m calling him a close second.


Hahaha I didn’t think about Wendell rebuilding civilization. Good point!

Krista would win the long game I think. If Ryan were able to figure out renewable water and food then he would be the most likely but the trade off would likely be expending effort and ammunition to achieve it. Wendell would be an invaluable asset to an already organized group that needs specialists to deal with things other than basic survival.

Honestly they are already a bit of a dream team. Krista is agriculture, Ryan is military, Wendell is engineering.


Ryan’s first priority would be to recruit others for cannon fodder.



If we are being honest you need useful idiots to keep the brain trust alive.

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LOL you’re not wrong

I voted Wendell, but only as my actual choice wasn’t included: the L1T back-office staff! 'Cause without them, none of the above could function normally :wink:



I vote for Krista. She knows about plants and outdoors stuff.

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Since Wandle is most likely to be the evil scientist to bring about the apocalypse, he will presumably have a way to protect himself from it. :man_scientist: :bomb: :earth_americas: :fireworks:

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Have you seen any survival films / games?

Ryan would OP it…

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I think Wendell would emerge from whatever hole he was working in, notice something weird and then just fix stuff until civilisation is back.


I imagine Ryan as a mixture of Ash Williams and Mad Max driving his corvette that is running on a alcohol mixture from fermented maple syrup and poutine :slight_smile:

Wendell is kept in a bacta tank full of orange crush soda until the world is ready again for his technical knowledge :slight_smile:


So true

I think the question we need to ask is what kind of apocalyptic scenario are we talking about. nuclear fallout, WW3, ocean world, zombies, frozen world, black hole taking us to a dimension ruled by squirrels

Obv a Kerrington event or a near miss by a black hole.

And the bacta tank system would be running on Optane SSDs for a thousand or so years.

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Ryran would be the last one to survive. Because he would have all the guns. He would survive by taking what ever he needed or wanted by force. Just like the USA government. I think he would be able to avoid other people trying to kill him. He would be able to persuade Wendell to be on his side, and when all the worlds resources are gone, and Wendell’s usefulness is over, he would eat Wendell.


I voted krista. Combination of hiking, farming, and general knowledge of nature will outlive the others.

Ryan I feel would do better in the fallout universe. Among the three, he has the most self defense/hunting knowledge

If Wendell realized he was in a apocalypse, he’d probably build a sentry gun fort