Most Likely to Survive the Apocalypse?

I voted Wendell, because at the end of the day you will have to be a MacGyver type to survive. Since Ryan is known to have guns, he’ll be targeted by whatever warlord type emerges. Krista can survive in the wilderness for a while, but eventually some sort of injury without medical knowledge will disable.

I dunno about taking, but I have a feeling Ryan would do what he must to survive.
And in a “kill or be killed” situation, he seems more likely to take affirmative action.

I wouldn’t say he’d become a bandit or whatever, more protect what’s his, perhaps offering protection to others.

Like, the guy’s got stones is all, bur still helpful and generous

I thought in this Apocalyse event the only known survining people are Ryan, Krista, and Wendell. I mean in this situation things are so bad it is dog eat dog. Normal decentcy and moralls go out the window to survive. In this situation I stand by what I said.

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Sigm me up for the Delta Team of The Church of the Inner Monologue💣

I vote for Wendell.

If planting is still viable, as in a real collapse of society apocalypse, Krista will win with a stealth farm.

If its kind of a cannibal/zombie apocalypse with no living plants, maybe Ryan would.

If its a robot apocalypse or alien invasion kind of apocalypse, I’d vote Wendell.

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I have to give it to Ryan. As useful as the others’ skills would be for rebuilding, I think he understands what a fragile illusion civilization is better than anyone.
It’s like everyone else has to update their BIOS to the new situation, but he’d just switch to the backup BIOS that was always there, if you pardon the metaphor.