Minisforum BD770i Troubles [Solved]

Uhm, approx… 10-15secs average?

Sometimes it seems to retrain - why ever, but thats very very rare and take bout the time youre mentioning.

I can’t get my nvidia 4090 to post at all regardless of the settings i use in the bios. On occasion when i reload the bios, I get the monitor to turn on briefly and a generic microsoft display driver to post but then the monitor shuts off and refuses to work.

:thinking: strange - should work without any trouble to give you a picture even with the old UEFI…

Did you tried to plug the HDMI/DP Cable into the Motherboard? What does the Device Manager in Windows tell you if you do so?

And what do you mean with “reload”?

Got it working. I added an extra ssd to the rig. placed the 4090 on a pcie riser cable (I had placed the 4090 on the riser cable before without any luck) and started the rig using bios update 1.04. System booted but showed the 4090 working at pcie 1.0 lane speed. I then loaded bios 1.05, and the system booted but the 4090 now works at pcie 4.0 lane speed.

Yes, with UEFI 1.04 it was still necessary to manual switch the used PCIe Mode in UEFI. With 1.05 this was solved (in fact, its the only change ive noticed from 1.04 to 1.05).

Have fun with ur Build. :slight_smile:

Did anyone tried to run Cinebench 2024 with this Board? Somehow i cant get it to start and i dont know why. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The Startup runs fine, but when the Standard Screen after its loaded should start, it just disapears - no Warning, no Crashlog, nothing.

Edit: Solved… the Folder of Cinebench have to be in the 1st Lvl (Root) of the SSD/HDD/Whatever to be able to run… as soon as you have it in another Folder (Benchmarks/Cinebench 2024 for example) it wont work…

Strange, very strange.

Can you please tell me what the IDLE power consumption is? from the wall ideally!

Hi, in Win11 it is around 20W and in Ubuntu Desktop around 16W.
But I have set power limit in bios to 45W.

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Hi, i just set in bios 1.05 pci lanes to x4x4x4x4 and can see all 4 mnvme drives in my Asus Hyper M2 card. So it is working.

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Thy for the Infos :slight_smile:

Because someone in another Thread called the TIM “Birdshit”… its actually a Phase Change Pad - thats not bad at all. Just control the Screws on the Bottom from Time to time or just apply new Locktide on em - mine had come loose and killed the good Temperatures.

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