Microsoft: Windows 10 is HERE ! [Quick Run-Down and Stuff to Know]

Ill be sure to check it out. Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for posting this. I myself won't be upgrading right away, but at least I now have a better idea of what I'll be getting into when I do upgrade.

Let the tears begin.

That link is dead.

I just used it again and now it works

I did google the article. Honestly i dont see the problem. I'm pretty sure everyone and their mother has MORE than enough storage for this install.

Think it is just getting hit that hard. LOL It is not about the space.

Day one patch ? What is this a gaming console ?

PC games get those too you know.

Since they came out with the update blocker, i decided to sacrifice one of my pc's to the geek gods. If they remove it i am outta here.

Oh nice :). So my Linx 7 will become a rare 'desktop' 7" tablet haha :P

Probably for legacy support for applicastions which put their settings there.

One has always been a free app. Very good, too!

Awesome news for usability. Thanks for noting that one!

Hopefully these biometrics devices will become available at reasonable prices (unlike previous ones).

Ah. Not quite. He didn't just have an Ultimate version. He had an Ultimate 'N' version.

I can only guess that would upgrade to Windows 10 Pro N @thedmbarlow

Microsoft's troubleshooters tend to fix the issue. That and system restore.

You should be able to change the product key in PC Settings.

Of course. The Windows community always has a way round these things.

However this should hopefully fix consumers disabling updates for convenience only to have their machines 'rekt' by exploits and issues.

I will be upgrading machines over the coming weeks. Should be fun.

I can spare a day if it goes wrong at the moment, anyway.

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I like that the start menu apps scroll vertically not horizontally like they did in earlier builds.

Thankfully I have more than enough pro licenses, I'm not touching an OS that forces me to install updates when I don't want to. That said, I won't upgrade in the next few months. Let the beta testers find out all the bugs and quirks first.

After all this time win 10 still looks like it was designed by children with crayons. Really hate that flat crayon look. :)

They're still going to make N's? I figured they'd just make certain things optional downloads.