Microsoft: Windows 10 is HERE ! [Quick Run-Down and Stuff to Know]

Lots of good info hear. Looking forward to the upgrade.

What do you mean NOPE?

Its not disabled if you hit use the express settings and you know full well that a lot of people are too oblivious to think before selected the express options. It shouldn't be a thing in the first place, it has so many security implications its just begging to be exploited.

actually i used the express settings on this RTM build.. using express settings or not, it's not turned on. it's off by default..

If you are on enterprise; the offer does not apply to you.
This means dreamspark users are SOL.

it's not like they were going to upgrade on day one to begin with.


I was planing to upgrade my test bed, but it's under my DS account. So no Win 10 for me.

*Types this as he installs the one remaining professional retail key he has left*

Isn't using Windows on the server space an absolute sin now-a-days?

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Depends. In my School environment, it's great. If I was doing anything related to web, hell no.

This is my personal Z87 test bed. Just for messing around. I'll be waiting on the Windows Server 2016 RTM later this year.

hopefully it ends up well. Microsoft has taken waay too many pages from the Linux book. the only page they are missing is to go Open Source.

I'm not holding out. I haven't seen a good R1 release in years. It's going to be at least 2 years before I move any of my servers to 2016. WS 2012 R2 is actually a decent os.

Linus received so much slander after he said he was going to use Windows as his OS for the server space a months or so back.

I think he used it in this build. it's doing him justice.

Yea. That's 2012 R2. It's actually really well done. I did a few usability tweaks and I run it almost globally on both my home network and the deployment for the district.

For those who care. I've updated the post with some extra news.

anyone willing to check eula about data mining / privacy / keylogging it had on tech preview?

Read my posts above.

ok thanks,
I hope it will be removed on 29th.
I really do.

I was really hoping they would have fixed that up by now.

Even if they don't I'm sure someone will find a way around this or at least a way to disable updates all together. (disabling the windows update service would be one way of doing the later)

Samsung tried. it didn't work. all they received was backlash for it. on a secondary note. Microsoft blew the updates thing out of proportion. they should of made the updates set by default to be updated automatically. and people who are tech savvy can choose to turn it off if they want.


I will still have a look and if its possible to disable it, ill make a post on the subject here.

there's a utility tool "hidden" that allows managing updates in win 10.
to prevent and disable installing some updates.