Mi25, Stable Diffusion's $100 hidden beast

Yeah, the 6000 series is not as fast as it could be in that Tom’s Hardware benchmark. On Linux with ROCm you get about double the speed they show there.


I kept getting NAN errors at higher resolutions under half precision, maybe I need to use a different sampler, model, vae or something
the amount of abominations also drastically increased with increased resolution so limits the usefulness of FP16 other than doubling the speed of 512x512 images

its great for consumer vega which only has 8GB of vram

Could you generate images at 512 and use an upscaler on the ones worth keeping?

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Probably, the upscaler on automatic 1111 is broken though

I e also found Euler A is twice as fast as DPM samplers but DPM doesn’t give as many abominations

testing if the MI25 Vbios works, and how much faster it’ll be and how much hotter


most mi25’s come with a 110w bios, this is the 220w one

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you can make it a fire breathing Vega FE if you really want to, I don’t like having my edge and hbm temp that high



after much modification and testing…
maybe don’t go past 220w…
Your core, junction and HBM will be fine, but your vrm WILL burn your finger even with 3 6000rpm fans pointed at it at 265w
I think the Vega FE has lower voltage per level, if unstable use the MI25 220w bios

don’t go above 1440Mhz SET on any bios
220w bios

264w bios

if you get the 264 I would set the limit to 233w and the GPU core to 1348 SET, you have 1300Mhz GET with that and that’s as hard as would push it, that’ll get you 2.37 it/s on 512 euler a


Sorry, I’ll have to show my ignorance here. I’d love to get into Stable Diffusion and need to replace my old Fury X for that. How do these results stack up to a P40 or a lower end consumer Nvidia card like a 3060? I heard the tensorcores make a massive difference?
Just a rough guestimate of performance difference would be nice, thank you!

TL;DR WMMA / Tensor Cores is 1-4 cycles

Longer read tho it’s a good read and you’ll get a full understanding of the accelerator

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3060 should wreck the P40 without any doubt, I had one and it did even better than the P100 found on Google Colab.

I do have a small table comparing the performance on TF benchmarks, hope that’s useful for you:

|    GPU-Imgs/s     | FP32 Batch 64 | FP32 Batch 128 | FP32 Batch 256 | FP32 Batch 384 | FP32 Batch 512 | FP16 Batch 64 | FP16 Batch 128 | FP16 Batch 256 | FP16 Batch 384 | FP16 Batch 512 | FP16 Batch 1024 |
| 2060 Super        | 172           | NA             |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  | 405           |            444 |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  |            NA   |
| 3060              | 220           | NA             |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  | 475           |            500 |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  |            NA   |
| 3080              | 396           | NA             |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  | 900           |            947 |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  |            NA   |
| 3090              | 435           | 449            |           460  |           OOM  |            NA  | 1163          |           1217 |          1282  |          1311  |          1324  |           OOM   |
| V100              | 369           | 394            |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  | 975           |           1117 |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  |            NA   |
| A100              | 766           | 837            |           873  |           865  |           OOM  | 1892          |           2148 |          2379  |          2324  |          2492  |          2362   |
| Radeon VII (ROCm) | 288           | 304            |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  | 393           |            426 |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  |            NA   |
| 6800XT (DirectML) | NA            | 63             |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  | NA            |             52 |            NA  |            NA  |            NA  |            NA   |

Does this use the model locally if you have downloaded it or is it going over the web?

You can set automatic1111 to host over your local network if you want but the work is done on your machine and doesn’t need internet outside of initial set up

Interesting. It must have been why my setup took like 30 seconds as I had downloaded all the stuff prior…perhaps thats it.

I had this going in flight GitHub - huggingface/accelerate: 🚀 A simple way to train and use PyTorch models with multi-GPU, TPU, mixed-precision but never got around to finishing.

if you want to do blender you won’t need anything more than the wx9100 bios since I haven’t seen it go beyond 155w at 1440mhz

2560x1440 512x512 tile 2048 samples 34 minutes and 12 seconds

You may be able to use the fury, you’ll need to use incredibly old versions of Linux, ROCm, pytorch and stable diffusion and use the commands to use low VRAM and to supplement with system ram

You need to check when they dropped support for it and get the last supported version


Oh interesting! I tried ROCm a few years back and gave up because I was running the fury in my main machine under windows. Since then I’ve started virtualizing things and got system ram out the wazoo. I just need to figure out how to cram it into an Dell R620.
So maybe it’s time to try this again! Thanks for the infos!

*All tested with secondary GPU as output, it/s will be slightly lower and VRAM
prompts used
masterpiece, high quality, highres, dwarf, manly, shoulder armor, armored boots, armor, holding sword

lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name

MI25 WX9100 bios 170w 1348Mhz SET 1170~1225Mhz GET


Anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 20 step

512x512 7 seconds, 2.56 it/s 8GB

768x768 27 seconds, 1.38 it/s 12 GB

anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 150 step

512x512 58 seconds, 2.56 it/s 8GB

768x768 3 minutes, 27 seconds, 1.38 s/it 12GB


Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 20 step

512x512 9 seconds, 2.2 it/s 4.2GB

768x768 27 seconds, 1.33 s/it 11GB

Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 150 step

512x512 1 minute, 7 seconds. 2.24 it/s 4.2

768x768 3 minutes, 15 seconds, 1.31 s/it 11GB

Mi25 VegaFE 264w bios SET 1440Mhz GET 1360~1390Mhz


Anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 20 step

512x512 6 seconds, 2.91 it/s 8 GB

768x768 24 seconds, 1.22 s/it 12GB

anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 150 step

512x512 51 seconds, 2.9 it/s 8GB

768x768 3 minutes, 6 seconds 1.24 s/it 12GB


Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 20 step

512x512 8 seconds, 2.45 it/s 4.2GB

768x768 23 seconds, 1.15 s/it 11GB

Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 150 step

512x512 1 minute, 2.5 it/s 4.2

768x768 2 minutes, 50 seconds, 1.13 s/it, 11GB

Mi210 300w


Anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 20 step

512x512 2 seconds 8.5 it/s 8GB

768x768 6 seconds, 3 it/s 20GB

anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 150 step

512x512 17 seconds 8.6 it/s 8GB

768x768 49 seconds, 3 it/s 20GB


Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 20 step

512x512 1 second, 14 it/s 4.2GB

768x768 4 seconds, 4.6 it/s 11GB

Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 150 step

512x512 10 seconds, 14.1 it/s 4.2GB

768x768 31 seconds, 4.7 it/s 11GB



Anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 20 step



anygen 3.7 FP32 Euler a 150 step




Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 20 step



Anything V4.5 Pruned Euler a 150 step



there might be a bug with my the system I tested the mi25 with, getting odd FP16/32 results, will retest

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