Matrix 4 thread

I don’t think themes of this movie will be directly connected to the original trilogy.

The first three movies the characters are on the Nebuchadnezzar. Looking up Nebuchadnezzar I you get a Babylonian king who had victory over Elam and the recovery of the cultic idol of Marduk.

From the architect scene in the first movie, there it shows that there were multiple versions of Neo (clones?). Maybe Neo’s body is the idol to his psyche (RSI). Which circles to the light bulb analogy.

The theme of this movie will be memory as the ship is the Mnemosyne. Traditional pedagogical theory claim that children are empty vessels waiting to be filled with knowledge (memories).

So what are we as a human race if the only memories and experiences we have are supplied by the wall garden of the internet.

Something is there with memory and programs that would lend its self to a matricies kind of plot.

How’s the pun at the end @Nefastor - Lewis Carroll was a mathematician

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If jupiter ascending is anything to go by, the Wachowskis transformation from a pair of dorky weebs into insane geldings also ruined whatever directorial and writing abilities they had.


Not their IP

I’m sorry, I missed it. Lewis Carroll isn’t exactly my culture, I’m French :sweat_smile: but feel free it explain if it was a good one.

Come come, dude, there’s no reason to bring people’s sexuality into the conversation. The Wachowskis did plenty of subpar movies while they were still boys. I mean come on, we all know Matrix 2 and 3 were cash grabs with no particular value beyond maybe a couple of action scenes… and those were choregraphed by Yuen Woo-Ping, not the twins.

Even the idea of living in simulation was already a common trope in science fiction before the first Matrix came out. Even Stargate SG-1 had at least two episodes I can remember where simulation was the central theme of the plot.

The real MVP on Matrix was the DP, who basically came up with the entire crazy setup for filming in “bullet time”. He had his own big featurette in the DVD, unlike the Wachowskis. Speaking of featurettes, from what I gathered back when the DVD came out, the Wachowskis real contribution was motivating everybody to actually make that movie. They were described as a couple of “hyper” kids on a sugar rush. I’ve heard better descriptions of “talent”…


I’m sorry, How do you not get Laurence Fishburne back for the sequel?

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wtf is the “hallmark channel”? I’m not sure why you’re so offended by someone questioning whether Reloaded and Revolutions is really the story that needed to be told in the main films – it’s hardly a niche opinion. Ultimately while Reloaded is OK at best, Revolutions is just dull, and neither really have anything in common with the first film and don’t really continue the themes or plot points introduced. Unless by “all wrapped up with a bow in the end” you mean on a medium that still exists and can still be consumed at all? Have fun playing the MMO these days…

I’m also not sure why you said that I’m wrong for seeing trans allegory in the first film. Aside from Lilly Wachowski just flat out confirming it a little while back, it’s pretty obvious: the red oestrogen pills, the deadnaming throughout by the antagonist, the mataphor of rebirth as the authentic self, the double life going by both names until that point… it’s not really arguable.

I do, then i F2P TF2

not angry at all. Just chatting.

Okay, so your saying that because they inserted a few subtle personal elements into the overall plot, that means transitioning eclipses the rest of the major themes in the movie. The trilogy is steeped in psychological, philosophical, and religious motifs that are universal.

Sometimes life becomes hard and you need to make a difficult choices. And that, at times, can be a tough pill to swallow. For them that was transitioning. It means something else to another person.

Lewis Carroll was Charles Dodgson’s pen name and he wrote the Alice Series (Wonderland, Looking-Glass).

I’m wondering if this is an Adam & Eve thing.

Like, did Neo and Trinity create the Matrix to save mankind. I don’t know. Hope not.

The quality of their films tracks linearly with their self harm which came as a result of them both being the clients of a literal professional abuser.
I’m not down for enabling that sort of nonsense.


It looks like the forum ate my first post but from what I’m seeing I’m probably going to keep only admitting that there is only a single Matrix movie.

Self-harm ? Professional abuser ? I’m out of my depths here. I admit I really don’t give a sh*t about any celibrity’s personal life so I’m in an awkward position. All I know is that the Wachowskis were trans. Plenty of people out there who have transitioned and it didn’t hurt their professionalism. ContraPoints is a good exemple, or Fran Blanche if you’re into electronics. Not knowing much about the Wachowskis I’m left to wonder whether your comment comes from intolerance or whether I’m missing something crucial like them being part of a sect the way Tom Cruise is part of scientology.

You seem to imply that transitioning wasn’t their choice.

Would you mind clarifying ?

Assuming their transition is entirely voluntary, no one is asking you to enable it. You would be required to tolerate it, however. Excuse me if I’m assigning you behaviors you don’t have, but I’ve been out of tolerance for intolerance since 1990 and I don’t plan to restock, ever.

Kinda long but worth listening to at least.

I still disagree with the sentiment that the Sequals were good, but as one movie that was split into two parts, it is not as bad. Also, this answers a lot of questions that I had at the time and things that I noticed as “off” but never out right explained. I called a lot of stuff back in the day without knowing about the Wachowskis and their real life identity struggles.

I only ever saw The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, The Animatrix, and played Enter The Matrix.

I am interested in seeing where this goes. Lana seemed to be the biggest driving force behind the series but not having both Wachowskis on this does make me wonder, is Lana trying to make the movie that they she Really wanted but disguising it as a reboot. I also wonder if they are going to give enough back information for people that did not bother to get into the alternative storytelling media that they produced.

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I’m less worried.
Just because Lily is out doesn’t mean that she’s not a phone call away. She may just not want to undertake this amount of work at this point in her life (I know nothing about her).

Based on the richness of the original trilogy and peripheral material, i don’t think they are short of coherent ideas.

Also, i think there are no additional hands in the mixing bowl.

I think people just need to get there expectations in line. It will be fine.

Star Trek, Star Wars, etc different writers, directors, and controlling interests

Ya, you need to clarify that.

This. I was a fan of the Idea of the Matrix, but It compared nothing to Ghost in the Shell which they heavily borrowed from with ideas and style.

I have not seen the long awaited continuation, reboots, of series that I like from yester year (in theatres) due to the over hype and then panning from critics and fans alike. I hope for the best, but I am prepared for the worst. Otherwise, I will eventually get around to it when it comes to physical media or a streaming service.

Are you talking about the inability to have openly LGBTQIA+ people cast in the film to play certain characters, the outing of Lana but toxic people, or is there something else? I mean, since the Matrix movies, most of the other films were not their properties and thus they could not bend them too far. I saw Jupiter Ascending and while I did not hate it, I felt it was better than the source material.


I hope it’s good but the art direction feels too squeaky clean to me. I’ve read some theories here and elsewhere that the footage may be of the ‘new matrix’ but the environments and lighting feel flat and uninspired even if they’re going for a more utopian vibe.


I do agree that the scenery is too sanitized and ideal. Visually, this seems to be a direct continuation of the restored Matrix post Smith conversion. Maybe their NAS backups of the Matrix dont have the same cruft after humans populate its servers.

But I have this nagging feeling that this idealized visuals may be a direct result of a reduced VFX budget overall? I hope not. The first Matrix was shot on a relatively constrained/meager budget of 63M USD versus the 100+M USD of the succeeding sequels but it felt it had more personality, had a more grunge/cyberpunk feel.

I really want this to be good. Or at the very least, be better than the Bill and Ted thing.

He wasn’t in the matrix in those scenes.

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I am still afraid to watch it. Without George Carlin (Rufus) I don’t know how this would faire on my feeble child-like memories of this series being awesome.

One thing that I noticed is that the green hue to everything is gone in the Trailer. Everything is Bright and flips between blue and yellow hue. But there is definitely sharp and clear visuals. I would imagine this plays into the reboot of the Matrix and centuries of cruft are now gone from the system.

It’s not great, worst part for me is that there’s someone in the movie doing a better Keanu Reeves impression than Keanu Reeves