Looking for THE BEST Fps

Origin is here to stay the only way they stop supporting that is when they go broke and fall apart. While EA is a scumbag company I will still buy good games published by them, unless the devs decide to leave we really have no choice and even then EA would own all the material. Perhaps one day EA will return to being a publisher and just that instead of fucking everything up.

I have heard that Call of Duty 4 on PC is still very active so you could check that out, otherwise the only thing I can suggest is BF3 but right now the servers are having "issues". Oh and the whole cluster of enemies is the fun part, shit gets crazy real fast.

Far Cry 3 or Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Cod4 does work but it's very tricky, theres 2 sides, players who paid for it , and people who have a hacked version. Both of which can play online, but both can't play with each other. And it's about 50-50 with the servers. So you don't know when searching for servers in game if the one you are trying to connect to will work, so you kinda have to find and favorite ones that do. Also anything more than 6v6 gets really annoying. 

HA i'm not explaining myself for the millionth time. SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET WAS SLIGHTLY OFFENSIVE TODAY 2EDGY5ME 

Which doom? never really trusted newer dooms 

And I only insulted the people that were very off topic such as yourself.


It's a word. 

>_> you're right, lol I've had a bad taste in my mouth from previous very shitty f2p games. I mostly played the ones from origin which I can't even. Battlefield F2P is unplayable. Crossfire or something like that is mindless. 


I'll give hawken a try though. At first I just though it was Hud hell, buttttttttt i'm seeing how it could be fun. 

This thread sumarises why I feel less and less identified with this comunity: intolerance, insensitivity, and just overal dragging arguments on and not letting go.

Note: Im not pointing fingers im just speaking in general.

Battlefield 3 is, in my opinion, the best public multiplayer FPS which you can play. If you want to play competitively, 5v5 and 4v4 is about all you're going to find at this stage of the game's lifespan. And while these are fun, it's not the "Battlefield experience" that many people expect. Either way, I recommend the shit out of it, especially because it's cheap as these days. And don't worry about unlocks and all that jazz. You start with the best weapon in the game, and can have all the best attachments in less than half an hour if you jump in a TDM server. 

Bioshock is an excellent single player FPS, but it requires a little bit of config customisation to get smooth sensitivty. This shouldn't take more than 10 minutes though. I've heard great things about Infinite, but I haven't played it yet.

One popular title that I personally didn't like was Far Cry 3. It's not bad in terms of mechanics and graphics (but nothing special), I just felt like I was doing the exact same thing over and over again, and I felt that even maximum difficulty was too easy. The AI is pretty basic. Also, it's difficult to take the main character seriously as a man, much less a Rambo-esque one-man-army. He literally cries. It's embarrassing.

Planetside 2 is a lot of fun if you can get a squad of 4 or more people. It's very difficult to solo, but not impossible - at the end of the day it does feel a bit pointless though.

Hope that helped.

Another good first person game is Zeno Clash, which has just had a sequel released. Not a shooter per se, but it is a unique game with some very cool ideas, art and gameplay.

offtopic.....its just a string of letters with variable meanings and people will always pass judgement its in our nature....

ontopic... basically i find that its who you play a game with that makes it fun or good.... even crappy games can be awesome in the right circumstances  

Halo just play Halo if you don't play Halo your not a real man

even if your a girl play Halo

' He literally cries. It's embarrassing.'

REAL men cry ;-)

Bioshock 1 and 2 on pc... NO FREAKING JOYPAD SUPPORT (or have they actually got around to fixing that yet?)

Infinite was good

For Pc? can only play the older ones 

My goodness. I'm really sad that someone like SawyerTHEBEST had to join our community. We where doing so good without offensive little shits. I mean really?? I feel like i'm reading the posts of a 10 year old that just learned how to swear on the internet. But your know that you piss people off by doing it, so thats why you do it. Honestly get a life............But to answer your question. Try battlfeild 3 out. Or maybe you will suck at it too like in your CS:GO topic you had and you will get all pissy like a child and think its "Gay and Faggish"

Why bothering answering that guy in the first place?

I know A shit is a shit. Cant change much about that. I guess maybe I thought somewhere in the world there was a perfect combination of words that would make this kid realize how dumb he sounds.

I'm not dumb. 

so... first of, OP didnt HAVE a question. sure, it was phrased like one, but it basically says "im too lazy to look up any new games, and the ones people currently play are to mainstream, so im going to hate on them and try to boost my ego / e-peen in the process"

now, moving on to the whole slander thing.... you just said that fag to you meant "fucking idiot"... fag means gay person. there for you are saying fag = "fucking idiot". see how this can be offencive?


lets swap out the words for a second. what if tall was used as an insult? "stop being so fucking tall"... was said when someone was being stupid, or annoying.... "well thats offensive against tall people". naw man, i dont hate on tall people, tall just means they are being a fucking idiot. i have tons of friends who are like 6'2" they say it all the time. its cool....

but its not, because tons of people who consider themselves tall in stature will hear people using the word "tall" to belittle other people. and even though they know it means that they are being a fucking idiot, it still also means tall. and it will get to them.

Sometimes, I can't tolerate you, thanos. ;)

He hates turtles too. Where does it end? 

This is like the internet version of a lost child at a grocery store.