Looking for friends and food

The reason I ask is good workplaces will be more interested in the fundamentals and being able to problem solve.

How has that being going? What are you applying for? Entry level or higher up?

This sounds more like a cv thing than anything else I expect considering you’re saying you already have experience in IT

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I love puziles, that why a asked chalenge me :grin: :grin:


this is why i have been trying to build my own, but when the people round me cant tell the difference between a html temple and a custom written web app, it make me want to swan dive out my window.

an I have no hope in getting any of them “despite asking many times to pop to my site and give me constructive feed back”

CV is part the problem as well as the past 10 yeas iv not had the beast job history, that and when you say openly your dyslexic people some to translate that to incompetent

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Are you looking for a webdev job or a networking job?

Doesn’t matter, you can write up a cv to focus on the string points. We’ve done things in the past where people have PMd or posted their CVs (appropratly redacted for PII) to get feedback, if you like, you can do that.

This would be illegal in the UK. But some jobs do require you to communicate, and accurately entering or creating networking configs is important. If you take longer to be more accurate and proof read etc and you’re vocal communication is fine this shouldn’t be an issue in reality.

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Ture but this is life, how would you rate my communication, ???

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At this point am building web services to show off and looking at opening my own it Consultancy, its all i can really do for the time being, but that is still laving me in the home space wasting away + most people use YouTube or net resources to fix problems this days “as do we all”

Am looking for networking i do enjoy it more.

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I understand the following:

Programming (I lake practice but: c++, and web language’s" html, php, css and so on")

Networking(can build and troubleshoot " never hade the opportunity to build a large one but " dhcp, ip, arp, broadcast, mac, wifi, vlans, nat, routeing, iptables/netfilter and cisco ios" just some i have played with)

OS Experience(
Linux all the way “if i could”,
Windows “I was windows certified but think that rain out”,
Mac " is this not just linux, its how i leaned linux from the mac missing manual")

Understanding of Machine learning(not implemented any yet)

i am the owner of my own domain

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The most single piece of advise I can give you when applying for IT jobs … show your work.

If you’ve been working on personal projects, or a problem/issue you’ve dealt with, journal that and publish it online. It doesn’t have to be a fancy blog or anything, markdown docs on a GitHub repository would work.

Publish any tech docs you write for yourself, any software you develop, etc. even if you don’t think it’s good enough. As long as you can show that you’re capable to work in the field, it really doesn’t matter what your CV looks like.

Admittedly, I’ve pimped out my LinkedIn profile to include all sorts of work that I’ve done, talks I’ve given, documents I’ve published or had published. Because of this, my career spans from IBM to Boeing, and now working for a very well known game developer & publisher.


just a guess would that be Rockstar, see them a lot on LinkedIn keep getting them appear in my feed. :grin:

I did start documenting a game idea that i had, using blender and ue4 witch will now be 5.

but i have been finding it hard as to not give the story away plus people like short videos of how to and not someone going from start to finish with no experience to game, youtube 22KtaxaotjU. . .
if you do have a nosey i cant run the game server at the moment as that machine went pop and am unable to replace it at the moment.

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More work to be done, thank you for pointing out the link i have some work to do now,

cheek you how badly i did at first install,

youtube OCzo6qUFSlw

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This was my impression as well, FWIW.

Surely there’s got to be some browser extension for this, have you tried “grammarly” by any chance?

For corporate gigs, you may also want to throw in Microsoft certs…

…or throw around terms like Kubernetes, Rook, Calico, Istio / gRPC in blog articles - if you can spare the hardware to build a small lab out of VMs and start learning. These cloudy things could help you get your foot in the door for an easy $€£ 70k-100k junior admin role.

Sometimes there’s hacks, e.g. student discounts you might be able to take advantage of.
e.g. How much money do you think it costs to get to CCNP where you live?

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I’m also a brit, also dyslexic. I’ve been looked down on for it in the past, and when I am tired I make a mess of English.

Not trying to poke you with my comments. Just trying to help.

Grammarly is brilliant and even if it just helps to stop the basic stuff like your/you’re dont/don’t it will help a lot with HR and team leader type people looking down on you.

Another piece of advice I can give you; if someone is asking you questions in a recruitment or training scenario, don’t read too far into it.

For example, someone asked you what your basic networking skills are like, and you asked for a challenge. That shows you’re enthusiastic and that’s cool, but it doesn’t answer the question.

A recruiter asking that question probably doesn’t have something like a pcap ready to go, and preparing a set to test your skills isn’t a small piece of work.

I see you’re uncomfortable with VMs / containers. Do you mean in the cloud specifically?

The thing is a lot of companies here in the UK and everywhere else are just throwing stuff into the cloud and expecting everything to be magically cheaper.

You can help them with this. Training for Azure (and a lot of other subjects) is free on Microsoft Academy, and the exams are a lot cheaper than a training course.

AZ-900 Azure Foundations is the place to start.

I appreciate you’re not a fan of the cloud, but getting a few exams helps you tell people how not to do it, right?


I know there old but windows has not changed all that much really, apart from moving office to the cloud and of course one or two other thing’s like azure.

I don’t offend easily, the way i see it some people will say what they think, being offended is up to me an I choice not to be all most all of the time, as giving it more energy is not good for anyone

Very fare point. :+1:

It is the way that I am weird unfortunately, “The short answer to that question is I can build one or give me 2 computers and a crossover cable” . I also started this thread to find people to challenge my knowledge, also to see if I could find people to build a pear support network, All this was stated earlier in the thread. not really expecting to be recruited from hear “would be good but unlikely i think”

Am doing a Cisco live stream at 3PM come find me on YouTube and join in “Squeaks Allan”
it gives yous a chance to speak to me and ask questions.

£1200 ish and that’s not including travel cost to and from the nearest location