Linux Phone Hub

Ahh well worth a try.

Do you think Lomiri/Unity 8 gonna get the development it deserves?

No. User-empowering projects never do.

Uhhh maybe, maybe not.

It’s the best mobile ui right now, but that’s just because gnome is fat.

Handcuff it to the treadmill for 3 or 4 releases and we might see an improvement

I’m considering switching to Manjaro Lomiri as my eMMC install.

The issue with Phosh isn’t that Gnome is fat, but that Gnome is Gnome. gnome-settings-daemon so far seems to be the source of most of my failures with Phosh.

Lomiri respects the screen blank time I tell it, Phosh silently ignores that I’ve set a preference. Gnome Settings would be my top five complaints for “feels laggy”, as well.

I’d bet on a successful XFCE-like GTK+ mobile shell emerging before I’d bet on Gnome getting better, but I are bittervet.

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Unpopular opinion I loved unity

Yeah real unpopular, up there with Win8 UI was good.

It feels odd hearing Gnome on phones, I can’t imagine that would be a good time at all.

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I thought unity was pretty good. I think it was ahead of it’s time, and canonical trying to build their own display server was a mistake and split the effort too much for it to get really good.

I preferred it to Gnome 3, due to lightweight and speed, but didn’t like it as much as Mate.

But, in regards to mobile, it’s far and away the best one, for now. Phosh feels hacked-together and I haven’t yet tried plasma mobile, but I can’t imagine it’ll feel much better.


I hear Plasma’s latest release got some serious love for mobile, but I haven’t flashed it since that release.

Prior releases weren’t even usable on the Pinephone.


I’ll have to give it a look then.


Can you dual-boot the pinephone?

Yes, in a couple different ways.

The first it by using both the eMMC and the SD card. Just pop the SD card out when you want to boot from the eMMC.

If you want a solution that’s less workaround and more intentional, you’ll need to swap out u-boot for p-boot.

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Absolute chad uses btrfs to deduplicate all the subvolumes of each os.

Awesome, that’s my sort of project.


I picked up a credit card sized SD card holder that keep in my wallet since the dual booting seems a bit out of my skill range.


this is peak neckbeard.


I’ve just been taping a couple to the back of the phone when not in use, now you’re telling me there’s a better way?!

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Unity needs love. Rebuild it in rust haha!

what the fuck is all this “rebuild it in rust” bullshit, can’t we just live with the original language?

It was a joke. IDK if they did maybe it would yield a performance increase. I dont really know. I was kidding.

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there are no jokes in here. srs bizns always

Your right

Unzips pants

I thought Manjaro Lomiri felt oddly stagnant.