Linux Phone Hub

Ah, that’d definitely do it.

I missed this.

Link’s on the forum are automatically converted to l1 affiliate links where relevant.

Oh, thanks for correcting me. I guess I’d better find a better way to rephrase that.

PinePhone upgrade main boards are now available.

Also, dang! It’s $30 for a replacement screen.



Damn, that’s nice.


Dang it!

That’s pretty rough for me since all the other UI are trash IMO.


Fork incoming, Level1miri… :laughing:


Make it happen @SgtAwesomesauce!

Likely /S since I don’t what I’m talking about. Lol

Lomiri’s got a lot of baggage. Stabilizing Plasma Mobile and theming it to match Lomiri would be be a quicker path to “Lomiri-like UI that mostly works”.

Lomiri is as much proof-of-concept as it is “good interface”. That makes it hard to commit to as a developer unless you’re really sold on their entire roadmap.

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Could fix some glaring issues with Lomiri along the way too.

It’s dumb to have gestures from the far edge of the phone. So like, I’m right handed and I need to reach across the screen to get to applications.

Their notification has a cool concept dragging down on the icon to access related settings, but there’s far too many pages.

I’ve mentioned these before though.

Maybe I should go though this thread and make a list of what we like and don’t like about some of these distros.

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Bitch you think I have that kind of time?


Plasma Mobile and Lomiri both feel better than Phosh but Phosh seems to actually be the most usable interface in terms of software development.


That’s been my experience as well. :frowning:

I think the big issue is Phosh is built on Gnome, which simply requires more performance.

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I am okay with Plasma Mobile’s UI more than Phosh but Phosh seems to be by a mile the most mature interface so far.

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Not just the performance but the user interface feels better on Plasma Mobile and especially Lomiri but the software is buggy as well while Phosh is the least buggy and is my current UI.

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I’ll revisit Plasma. Last time I tried it it was completely fubar.

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I reviewed the newest Dev snapshot of Manjaro Plasma today.

It is a lot better than the last time I looked at it, but still not very good. There’s frequent screen draw issues, failure to resume from suspend reliably, and incomplete, confusing settings.

For instance, the useful-on-mobile “Energy Settings” aren’t in the Settings app with Wifi and Bluetooth. It’s also not in the “Advanced Settings”, which is a completely different app.

Spectacle still won’t capture more than the bottom-left 25% of the screen, grim complains that the compsitor doesn’t support wlr-screencopy, and scrot doesn’t work without Xorg.

So no screenshots, but let me tell you…

It’s ugly. Manjaro theming isn’t present except for the wallpaper. I think it’s Breeze Light, which every distro replaces because it’s terrible. It’s even worse on phones.

Which is sad, because I’m absolutely loving recent version of KDE on my HTPC and laptop.

The included Angelfish app is a browser. I couldn’t figure out what that was last time because it would crash while opening. It runs now. Wave is a music player, it also runs.

Qt dev apps (Qt Design, etc) are installed and visible in the app selection list. Like KDE on desktops, those should probably be hidden unless explicitly installed.

I have noted that Manjaro Lomiri has switched from kwayland to kwayland-git, which Plasma has also done.

That’s promising. Convergence between Lomiri and Plasma where it makes sense is a good thing. Compsitors are hard.


This is what kinda gives me hope.

“better but still not good” is at least progress.

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I’m glad to see this, so I thought you guys might appreciate it too.