Linux Phone Hub

It my be slow, but both Ubuntu and Manjaro Lomiri run quick/smooth enough for me to daily. I’m only waiting on reliable text/talk.

Nah, I’m good. Also from what I hear the Android build isn’t very good on it.
Either way Android’s experience isn’t very good without Google.
I would much prefer supporting open source software that I believe has a strong future. Unfortunately I don’t know how to code, so I support them by donating $10 a month and buying their phones.

I think Linux will be the first to make phones be able to be a true desktop option.


I’ve updated my eMMC install to Manjaro Phosh Beta 1.

The image includes a new Authenticator app for OTP codes. That’s handy. File manager is now Nemo, Cinnamon’s fork of Nautilus. Transparently accessing stuff off my NAS… nice!

The default camera app has changed again, it’s now Megapixels. Oh yeah, and it works. Sorta. Image processing, lighting detection, and autofocus still need a lot of love, but it will take photos now.

Same thing, taken with Redmi Note 4.

Screenshot of Megapixels running.


Works on my machine.

Not sure what the fuck you need to do on your phone, but mine does all that shit just fine.


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weeeeeebb alert lol

Ive heard consistently that its too slow to be a daily… Is that not true? I want it to excell but you think they could have gotten a beefier processor?

Beefier processor, desktop-ish Linux and phone battery are probably a hard act to balance.

Likely as stated it does the job and won’t eat the battery.

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Well if they had targeted a higher price point they could have, but I think the idea was to enable development of the software stack at a low barrier to entry.

And tbch, I’m using it on lomiri right now and it’s plenty fast. I’ve experienced no graphical hiccups, all things load within a reasonable amount of time, etc…


the rebranded Unity 8?

God ubuntu should have never dumped Unity. It was nice

They should have ditched MIR for their smartphones

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Yeah, basically. It’s the mobile shell based off unity.

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All of the options I am aware of to take screenshots failed with Lomiri. I’d like to know how to do that, if anybody figures it out. :stuck_out_tongue:


Its linux can we not fbcat? @sgtawesomesauce

Sudo -i
sleep 10 && fbcat > screensauce.png

As the command in terminal giving you enough time to jump back to the screen you want?


Mint has unlimited data now.


unlimited < 35G from what i read …



Welcome to the rest of the world…

Hmmmokay, well I guess even my “unlimited” is only up to 350GB per month after some investigation actually apparently unlimited. But hey not bad for €20.

Then how is it allowed to be advertised as unlimited?!

That sounds like some bullshit that the regulators need to stamp on

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had this in my country for at least 18Y …

Its linux can we not fbcat?

Fbcat, which I had to build. (Also, base-devel is not installed in the Manjaro Lomiri builds.) This output was captured on the Lomiri homescreen. Pretty sure the framebuffer isn’t used after LightDM is launched.



warning: zxdg_output_manager_v1 isn't available, guessing the output layout
compositor doesn't support wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1

And that I think is the root of the issue.

It’s Linux, but it’s not Xorg. I believe Lomiri is a Wayland-compatible compositor using Mir, and Mir (or Lomiri itself) doesn’t support all of the features of Wayland yet.

Implimenting wlr-screencopy or equivalent is still a TODO, I think. My knowledge of Mir and Wayland isn’t very stronk.

so fbcat works? because it works on wayland on my machine. I dont think the display compositor is the issue

Fbcat took the first image I posted. The image it outputs has no bearing on the image on the screen at the time the screenshot is taken.

What is shown in the screenshot is the boot animation, even though the system was fully booted and the screen was displaying the Lomiri shell when the command was executed.

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