Linux Phone Hub

Oof. Let’s find out…

Not seeing any complaints on the forum. :thonk:

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Perhaps it’s limited to updated systems? Also, I’ll retry using those images.

To rule out me killing the device, I’ve booted with older images of other distros and it works.

Maybe I’ll use this as a motivation to build my own Sxmo images, maybe using Manjaro instead of Postmarket. :slight_smile:

The linked announcement for the Manjaro ARM 20.10 does not have included builds for Pinephone. Only Pinebook and other SBC non-phones.

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Same here. Manjaro Lomiri looks promising and if I can do text messaging and phone calls reliably it’s an easy pick for me.


do text messaging and phone calls reliably

My house has terrible reception, but I haven’t been able to make a call with it, yet.

I’ve tried a few times, and it just fails silently after tapping the green button.

Of particular note for the Pinephone:

  • Manjaro PinePhone CE OS build is finished & sent to factory yesterday
  • Manjaro’s build closest to end-user ready yet; ships with Phosh

  • Work on PinePhone back-covers adding functionality started
  • First two back-covers will add: wireless Qi charging (already works) and NFC
  • PinePhone keyboard design green-lit and started; clam-shell design with large battery

Emphasis mine. I didn’t realize they were putting a battery on the keyboard. Cool. :slight_smile:


I’m also having issues with calling/texting on Manjaro.

Often I’ll receive texts, but when I try to reply the keyboard goes crazy.

So far Ubuntu touch has been by far the most stable for me, calls and texts working, less strange UI quirks.

Although I’m having a lot more luck with pacman on Manjaro. On Ubuntu I couldn’t apt install anything, for some reason, so I was limited to the store.

I’m going to give Manjaro another go this evening. I didn’t buy a pinephone for stability :smirk:

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What carrier do you use?

Posh has graduated from alpha, to beta.

I’m going to download it.


Got my pinephone last night. Installed lomiri on it and it’s definitely got a bunch of bugs, but it’s not unusable. Absolutely not daily ready for me.

I guess it’s time to start contributing bug fixes.


Yeah, all the OS’s have a lot of bugs. Lomiri is definitely favorite. It’s just too bad I can’t daily it yet

GiffGaff (O2-based), I’m in the UK

Phone went to sleep midway through a pacman update… Crashed and couldn’t boot back up. Not great lol

Anybody having any luck with the Ubuntu music app? It’s not detecting music for me. Maybe I just don’t have the MP3 plugins installed

Ah. I’m in the US with AT&T and Ubuntu rarely work as far as calling/texting

Yeah, so it seems to me that theres issues with sleep and locking that cause the wifi to disconnect on my lomiri build, there’s also an issue with screen rotation on some popups (change password screen, for example) and a couple other things like not getting battery percentage displayed properly in lomiri.

Seems like simple tweaks, but I’m gonna have to set up Ssh to really debug this stuff.

Don’t have a secondary sim for it yet. I think I’m gonna order a ting sim or something cheap to give me just enough for testing.

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This appears to be a Manjaro thing, not a Lomiri thing. It happens to me on Phosh as well.

I’m gonna have to set up Ssh to really debug this stuff.

It’s already installed, just find your IP address.

I think I’m gonna order a ting sim or something cheap to give me just enough for testing.

Mint. They sent you spare cards for trials and referrals. For testing, you get more than what you’d expect from the sticker price.


I had the same experience with Ubuntu as well.

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I’m not experiencing it with my oneplus 3 on ubports… :thonk:

Either way, obligatory infinite power picture:


Thinking on the wifi issues, I think I’m actually encountering two different bugs on Manjaro Lomiri.

The first is that when the screen blanks, wifi freezes. This is probably because it suspends, but suspending that quickly isn’t useful to me, especially with an active SSH connection and job (i.e. applying updates).

The second bug is that when I deactivate cellular data, the wwan0 route isn’t dropped by NetworkManager. Subsequent connections via wifi fail in what looks like a DNS failure. Connecting via IP address to the Pinephone works fine.


Why not run the fully open source android build available for it

Android is still linux, still open source and optimized for arm

Infinite power eh?

Be a shame if pge cut the mains :troll:

Changing the suspend time actually seems to work, so that’s solved. :laughing: Suck it, Phosh!

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