Linux Gaming

I think you can do this at the login screen right?

It’s a highly proprietary industry. There’s about 6 people that sell non-public, *nix-only miners and bioses to serious people that make any freeware/open-source ones look like a joke.

That, or they run it themselves silently and laugh all the way to the bank.

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Yeah you can last time I checked, but why would I do that -_-

If I was serious enough to upgrade today, which card would you guys recommend

If you’re dead set on fedora, the RX 4/560 is the only sanely priced option.

If you don’t mind distro hopping or installing the x11 version of fedora (if you preserve your /home partition then it’s like a system restore, you don’t lose any files) then the 3g 1060 is probably the sweet spot in our current, terrible market.

But if you’re distro hopping, there’s no need to buy a new card, because you can just install AMDGPU-PRO

EDIT: I lied, Tahiti seems to be mysteriously unsupported. You have like, 1 of 2 chips that don’t get support, the other being the 7970/280X

Well i would atleast give it a try.
I have not used Fedora in a while, thats why i tagged eden, since he is an Fedora user.
But an RX580 is probablly a good choice.

The Cinnamon version of Fedora doesnt use Wayland.
But yeah you could also log into X on Gnome.

Yea ill try it out. F this it would take me 20 min to reinstall if I f something up, gg /home partition preservation,

also which fedora spin has x and refuses to use wayland lel

edit nvm thanks for answer

Well Cinnamon, XFCE, Mate, LXDE.
Non of those desktops use Wayland as far as i know.

wat, so no use trying it out?

Wait, I lied again, there’s no official support for Tahiti but it still seems to improve gaming, just not OpenCL

There will likely never be support for tahiti on the OSS drivers though, so it’s worth a shot as long as you don’t want to mine or use hashcat

tryied logging in and back

useless endeavour

Do I feel like reinstalling another spin for a crap gfx card? :frowning:

slapshod on the fly research requires a certain amount of lying by accident

inb4 AMD apologists start yelling about wayland support and saying the Vega price gouges are being perpetrated by the illuminati

the reptilians are hoarding dem gpus for soul mining

inb4 becoming a console peasant,

also inb4 buying into the apple egosystem and enabling cortana to google search the price of an amazon echo

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To be fair GPU performance on unix is literally the bizarro-world version of the windows situation

Nvidia on Unix has the best long term support and performance on older cards, whereas AMD cards break support and perfomance degrades the older the cards get, and just plain don’t support certain flavors (BSD)

Literally Nvidia FineWine™ vs. AMD GimpWorks™

Also, OS X is far less offensive than Windows at this point. 10S is a disgusting look into the future of that platform.

Couldn’t Apple do what Microsoft did to windows, that’s if telemetry is not already baked in the os?

They already do to a certain extent, but they aren’t nearly as egregious, and most of it is opt-ins by using itunes etc.

If I couldn’t use FreeBSD on my work machine, OS X would by my second choice. Then OpenBSD, then OS/2, then TempleOS, then Linux, then Windows 7/8.1.

With the new open driver that should be a thing of the past.

I don’t see tahiti support anywhere on the roadmap.

