Level1SpaceTechs (astronomy)


That's no moon...

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I'm currently reading Welcome to the Universe: An Astrophysical Tour by Neil Degrasse Tyson, Michael Strauss, and Richard Gott. I'm only a few chapters in but it really interesting. Also, Startalk is a great podcast to listen to. It's not really about stars but NDT talks to interesting people and you learn a lot about the universe we live in and a little about the ones we don't.

Bunch of podcasts with David and Wendee Levy from 2000 to 2010

cool video of satellites passing by this view of orion nebula

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I find this hard to believe, as a close flyby of Mimas showed the moon is actually egg-shaped, due to Saturn's gravitational forces acting upon it.

Dammit, I can't find the picture. >_<

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So Empire from the ashes was loosely based on a true story! I knew it, only Dahak wasn't our moon.......

I need to get there so I can be upgraded to captain before anyone else

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moon daphnis making waves in saturn's rings, moving left to right

Looked up the APOD explanation. I wasn't even sure this was real or on Earth. It's absolutely stunning, the sights we can see on our own planet! Just imagine what other worlds are like!

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right? im always looking for artistic illustrations of alien vistas, like, i wana know what it looks like to look out at night from the ground of a planet in a star cluster

They saved the best for last. The last year of Cassini will be devoted to the rings, even going through them. The next year will be awesome.

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and more juno / jupiter stuff woot!!!

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images from the new GOES-16 sat




Surfs up Dude!

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check it out, maybe some of us will get to see it come aug 21

whoa, best pic of the Butterfly (planetary) nebula i've ever seen.



Beautiful picture.

A shame that it's a bit blurry. I mean, how hard can it be to focus on something 3400ly away? /s